Neverwinter Nights > GodSpire General


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I'm becoming a little annoyed with Sentinels being on when only other Sentinels are on. It has become more frequent the past few weeks that there aren't any Sents on and the randoming and other rule breaking is just out of control. People who are committed to GS should be Sentinels and those who aren't seem to be just creating full spaces. This is becoming increasingly annoying.

This is not just simple randomer patrol but people who are exploiting bugs that end up killing everyone who is in GS and the people are able to return. Yes I have. Ignoring and shrugging off, is another problem with lodged complaints.

bus driver:
Take the law into your own hands ...but your level 20 so i dont think that would do to much......well shucks hmmmmmm you could take account names and names so they can be punished at a later date.

Elessar Telrunya:
i've noticed the same thing unfortunatly, but you gotta remember, meclar, that the sents live *EVERYWHERE* and some are closer to eachother than others.... it also depends on how late they are willing to stay up at night, cuz i see some of the european sents online when its past midnight for them. but as bus said, if there are no sents on sometimes we just have to take the law into our own hands to stop rule breakers =/....

plus sents who are grown up and moved out of their parents houses have to have jobs to support themselves to, so that limits there time on gs too....

Lord Elessar

I have noticed that there are times when there are relatively few sents on. Unfortunately this seems to be quite random as you can look in the next day at the same time and finds loads on.

If randomers etc are being a problem try pming either the dms or any of the sents that are registered here. If we can come to help we will. Unfortunately all of the dms have jobs to go to and so we cannot be there 24/7, though I am often on well past midnight.

If no-one responds feel free to take matters into your own hands, or, if you are unable to, take note of their login name for later punishment.

Elessar Telrunya:
lol or do both >:) MUAHAHAHAHAH!


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