Well, since X-Fire seems to be a completely pointless program with no other function than to create another outlet for self-promotion and self-advertisement, I really don't see what the problem is.
I could care less about people's profiles, video game playing history and personal opinions and I find is disturbing that so many people use this program that is created for the sole purpose of advertising those things. We have enough noise and garbage on the internet without adding "meta-noise": programs designed specifically to spread useless, pointless personal data about complete strangers.
In other words, I get free 100MB email from Yahoo, Yahoo is my homepage and I read Yahoo news and use its movie, TV and map guides. On the other hand, X-Fire is a useless program that should never have existed in the first place.
AND, before I hear any of this "the mighty heartless corporation is picking on the tiny, helpless new guys", let me just remind everyone that despite what the US Government likes to say in press releases, monopolistic business practices are indeed allowed to flourish and only when the US Governement can make a profit will it interfere in that corporation's business policies.
Don't be fooled, we do not live in a Democracy, we live in a country run by Capitalism and people who think Capitalism isn't a form of government haven't been paying very close attention to the way the US Government (or any other "Democracy" for that matter) is actually run.