Neverwinter Nights > -{Divine Exaltation}-



Elessar Telrunya:
First off, we welcome our elder members, myself, Shade Serenity, and our council, Nemo and Artist, but we must more importantly welcome new members. All new members must sign in here and will have their arrival into the clan announced here.

Everybody welcome Andkat as an Angel of Divine Exaltation. From what he tells me he has been at Godspire for about a month, plays fairly often, and as I witnessed in my duels against him, is a very capable duelist(Also note: he was using GodSpire Dexer Gear, this is not a bad thing, but it was not customized to his character, giving him a favorable oppinion in my regard.)

-Elessar Telrunya, Cherubim of Divine Exaltation

I'm acknowleding my membership with this post. Greetings!

Not that im in DE, but hi


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