For me, I havent had any problems logging into Godspire, not once. When I did log on, recently I have experienced lagg spikes when I go there, not the most horrible ones, but lagg spikes nonetheless.
On the other hand, at the forums I have experienced alot of problems, for some reason if I edit any one of my posts, or send a PM to anyone any time I click to go back to Lucidmagic, using the browser, it comes up telling me message has been sent if I had sent a PM earlier, but if I last edited a post it comes up saying Post has been edited... also images like smileys or avatars etc. often dont show until I hit show picture, and what my main problem is. I have to hit a link a few times till it begins loading, otherwise it says page cannot be displayed, same thing with refreshing the page. Sometimes it takes a couple clicks after the first click to get the loading bar to show up, so I know the page loads, and sometimes it takes 15 sec of clicking it to get it to work.
From seeing posts, and getting PM's people have been saying that GodSpire appears only in action for them, but wont appear in history, others say, that it doesnt appear at all but whos online shows people are there, but they cant direct connect, nor can they see it in action, so they have to connect through another player.
For me I checked who's online, there are people there, including a few sents, like Ryu and Iceycool, now I looked in my history, Godspire's IP is there as usual, but it is offline and cant be connected to, so I got the IP from the site here, also that did not work, then I added Iceycool and Ryu to my buddies list (using their account names I got from whosonline) Both appear offline, this could be due to the fact that they dont allow everyone to see their status, or it could be the same thing with the site. There have been many other poeple with this problem too, and this is the first time it has happened to me. Both LM and GodSpire dont work correctly for me, GodSpire not appearing or able to log into, and LM with the refreshing etc.
I don't know what is going on, but the site has been like this for me for sometime (including when posting, which is why I accidently double post often) and not being able to log onto GodSpire, this is the first.
Well that's my story, I hope something can be done, cuz I'm not the only one this is happening too.