Neverwinter Nights > TSoGS
Sentinel gaps in Godspire
I check whos on every time im on the internet and if there are 4+ people on without a Sent/DM, I will go on. Thats basicaly what I go by.
-THere is absolutely no one on at 11:38 PM EST-
Soul Sojourner:
--- Quote ---I check whos on every time im on the internet and if there are 4+ people on without a Sent/DM, I will go on. Thats basicaly what I go by.
--- End quote ---
I normally do the same thing, but I don't check every five minutes or anything since I am running full screen programs.
EDIT: Now that it's been 20 min. nobody has been on 4:20 A.M. through 4:40 A.M. -6:00 GMT (same as Cletus) I wouldnt doubt if that means 4:00 through 5:00 but I havent been watching it that long =D
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