I put all the stuff in the storage and remake my elementalist. I get to post sear and I cant equip any of my stuff. I thought that since I kept the same name It would work.
This is very important, I lost the use of a good customized weapon that way during the Beta. Armor and customized weapons are tied to the character and not the name. Don't remake your characters unless you are absolutly sure you want to get rid of all its armor and customized weapons!
As Mo said, once you ascend, you'll be able to do special quests in the Crystal Desert that were unavailable before. Once they are completed you will be able to change your secondary profession at will.
Couple questions someone may be able to answer for me (*cough* Mo *cough*):
When you change your secondary profession do you get access to that profession's skill list that you have already unlocked with another character or do you have to purchase all the skills for the new character?
When you change your secondary profession can you change back to your original secondary immediatly or must you do a new Crystal Desert quest to gain access to your original secondary profession?