Neverwinter Nights > GodSpire General

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Elessar Telrunya:
Seeing as Nem hasn't posted Anythin bout it (either he doesnt want to or he doesnt know, which would really annoy me; and if he does know he hasnt told the other DE members or anyone else cuz he either doesnt want to believe it or doesnt care which would seriously hurt my feelings) I am going to.

I've been having less and less fun on Godspire :(. PvP just doesn't suit me anymore. Now I have decided to leave Godspire for good. Also this means I am leaving DE for good. I have already found a new server which I play at with hydros, who also has left Godspire for good. Both of us are having a much better time there even tho we already had a little dispute with a couple of players and been punnished by a DM(it was over as soon as we apologized which took us about two seconds to do). Please don't try to disuade either of us. IT WILL NOT WORK. Angel is enjoying himself! I WILL STILL POST HERE, BUT NOT AS OFTEN!

Lord Elessar

Oh I see, well I hope u have a good time at ur new server with ur new friends, and I wish u good luck.

Elessar Telrunya:
thanks nem, you really are a true friend; Seriously, I'm sorry I'm leaving you guys but PvP just isn't fun anymore =/

Lord Elessar

u suck, u left us :P u better visit or i will seriously spam and random ur server untill i find u

Elessar Telrunya:

as i told you on msn, "good luck"

Lord Elessar

PS likely, i'll either be in the crypts or the giant hills lol


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