But I am still not sure about this portal idea. It would only make sense if there was the same portal in our ante-mod too and I don't have any clue how to script such a thing.
You don't have to have a portal back to GodSpire, but if you do make one this is what you should use to portal people to GodSpire. (WP_TAG should be replaced with the tag of the portal Mo creates on GodSpire)
void main()
ActivatePortal(GetPCSpeaker(), "", "", "WP_TAG", TRUE);
This is called from a conversation, if you want to put it in the OnUsed area of the portal placeable change GetPCSpeaker to GetLastUsedBy
btw, this hall of portals is so hard to find do you think anyone will travel there???
Those portals need another location or no one will ever use them.
Why don't you place them anywhere near the main fighting arena?
Oh and please do something about these monsters in the dungeon. They are so hard to hit it's no fun at all to go into that dungeon :(
It would be strange if there were no portals in the "Hall of Portals" wouldn't it?
Think of it as an IQ test, if players can't figure out where the portal to your server is, you probably don't want them on your server anyway. Sort of like Smith Hold, if you can't find the main entrance to the city, then maybe it isn't the right mod for you.
Since most of the GodSpire Monsters are slightly modified versions of my GodSpire duelers, they will kick your ass if you are alone. The original intention was to make creatures that were challenging to parties of GodSpire duelers.