Neverwinter Nights > CoD

CoD spirit .

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Everyone can join our undead ranks :)
The spirit is really simple :

- A positive attitude is expected .
- Being a undead representative (by that I mean : Undead look , or if you don't have an undead look build a story in your bio making your char undead . The cooliness is the grey skin :P )
- Wear CoD tag .
- There is no really skill needed , team play , etc . Good-fun char are welcome :) ( though skill can help )

If you wannna join the undead ranks just ask someone in CoD . If two  Archmage necromancers of CoD are willing to make you a member it's done .

In this forum ALL the undead stuff is welcomed . The good ones will be pinned .
If you wonder what I mean by undead stuff just see Mort post about vampires .

PS : 420 do you where I could get some Monster data like you have ? Can I get it on the net ? I'd like to make a precize list of undead creature :)

Go buy one of the monster guides at a book store.


--- Quote --- 420 do you where I could get some Monster data like you have ? Can I get it on the net ? I'd like to make a precize list of undead creature :)
--- End quote ---

You can download the D20 3.5 System Reference Documents here.

You can use the Monster documents, it includes everything in the Monster Manual I believe.

Appart from that you will have to buy Monster Manual, Monster Manual II and Monster Manual III. Or you can go to a book store and just copy down the information. At the beginning of each book it lists every creature by type, so you can just copy down the names of all the undead. Unfortunatly the lists doesn't include templates like "lich" and "vampire".

Another option is to simply buy Libris Mortis: The Book of Undead and just use the information in that. I haven't seen the book myself so I'm unsure about what it contains.

And because of the way WotC markets its products there are numorus undead sprinkled about other books, like the Undead Beholder and Dracolich in the Forgotten Realms Campaign book.


What CoD needs is a member list :P


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