Neverwinter Nights > NwN General

Tasha's, bug or no?


Blood Angel:
ok so I believe we last established that this isn't a bug to cast clarity then Tasha's. However since this information got lost and someone says mo banned/booted someone using tasha's and therefore it is a bug, I'd like to hear from sents if it's a bug or not.

I know it's lame and I myself don't use it, but today a guy used it on a randoming noob and some ppl freaked over the tasha's

It is a bug.

We determined that the only rules that allowed that combo were 2nd edition D&D rules.

Since NWN is 3E and 3E doesn't mention that combo working specifically it was ruled to be Bioware's lame implementation.

The problem is, "how" to fix it, which was where the discussion left off.

I think it should be a -4 penalty to saving throw if clarity is cast first.

- 420

There was also the fact that Clarity is not the only spell that allows this to work.  Lesser Mind Blank works as well, which has absolutely no justification for working (except maybe bioware used identical scripts with few adjustmetns for the two spells).

Seems there were a few other spells/feats/conditions that would allow tashas to pass savingthrows as well.


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