Neverwinter Nights > CoD


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The new name is CoD as in Cult of Death .

That was a difficult choice to get a name as cool as DcD .
We erased of our selection : Cowboy from Hell , Death Incarnate , PuF ( I don't even remember what that was :P anyway ade thought it sounded gay , I thought it sounded cool :( ), and a lot of other names .

As for the ranks :  8 ranks in CoD .
1. First Necromancer - Necromancer : All old DcD members are Necromancer . People that are worth it ( active in the guild , active promotion of the undeads , cool gothic gear , etc ) will be necromancer . It's the top rank of the guild since Necromancer order to the deads .
2. Half Lich ( higher than lich since in BG2 half lich were more powerfull than Lich , Kangaxx )
3. Lich
4. Wraith ( ade told me that was undead things I didn't know that )
5. Ghost
6. Skelentons-Warrior
7. Skeletons
8. Friend of the Deads ( recruit rank )

The progression of the guild members will be depending on how Necromancer feels about guild members . Though it's not as serious as in a clan so I'll hope it'll be fast :) .

The rercruit is on :) We recruit all people that are willing to represent undeads . A positive attitude on GodSpire and other server is expected . Good-fun char does not really matter though that can help :) .

Ty Mel for making me mod .

PS : Can someone change the DcD name in the forum in CoD please ?

wooo go cod, because of the new activity and events i rejoin :)

Couple things about titles, I think for "half lich" you mean "Demilich", a lich so ancient that all that remains of it is a jewel-encrusted skull. You also may want to distinguish between a normal low, level necromancer by changing the highest rank to "Necromancer Archmage" (adds a little prestige).

My other suggestion would be to choose either all corporeal (solid) or all incorporeal (not solid) undead.

Like this:

Corporeal Undead:
1. Necromancer Archmage
2. Demilich
3. Lich
4. Vampire
5. Ghoul
6. Zombie
7. Skeleton
8. Necrophant (friend of the dead)

Incorporeal Undead:
1. Necromancer Archmage
2. Banshee
3. Ghost
4. Spectre
5. Wraith
6. Shadow
7. Allip
8. Necrophant



--- Quote ---Couple things about titles, I think for "half lich" you mean "Demilich", a lich so ancient that all that remains of it is a jewel-encrusted skull. You also may want to distinguish between a normal low, level necromancer by changing the highest rank to "Necromancer Archmage" (adds a little prestige).

My other suggestion would be to choose either all corporeal (solid) or all incorporeal (not solid) undead.

Like this:

Corporeal Undead:
1. Necromancer Archmage
2. Demilich
3. Lich
4. Vampire
5. Ghoul
6. Zombie
7. Skeleton
8. Necrophant (friend of the dead)

Incorporeal Undead:
1. Necromancer Archmage
2. Banshee
3. Ghost
4. Spectre
5. Wraith
6. Shadow
7. Allip
8. Necrophant

--- End quote ---

Here go what I wanted :D Now I can change ranks . That's cool stuff ty 420 .
Btw what is Allip ?


--- Quote ---Here go what I wanted :D Now I can change ranks . That's cool stuff ty 420 .
Btw what is Allip ?
--- End quote ---

You can find an Allip in the toolset's standard creatures, under "undead - wraith".

Monster Manual:

Medium-Size Undead (Incorporeal)

"An allip is the spectral remains of someone driven to madness and suicide. Allips crave only revenge and unrelentingly pursue those who pushed them over the brink.

An allip looks more or less as it did in live, but its features are distorted with madness. The mouth is often twisted in an anguished moan, and the eyes are bright with terror. From the waist down, it trails away into vaporous nothingness, leaving a faint trace of fog behind as it moves."

I used the CR or Challenge Rating of the creatures given in the Monster Manuals to determine what rank they should be.



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