Neverwinter Nights > CoD


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Heya guys !!

You , the ones who thought that DcD was dead and burried , were wrong .
The almighty undeads are still here . Though there are some changes that will happen ...

*Since DcD is not DcD without Morticia ... We , old DcD members still active ( ade and me ) decided to change the name ( still in debate atm ) .
*We are a guild of undeads , necromancer , etc . Hence our look shall be gothic ( black stuff , spikes , etc ) .
*We'll add some ranks though my english vocabulary is not very important so I'd like people to tell me things related with death , deads ( such as Skeletons , liches , etc ) .
*I'd like to be moderator of the DcD forum because Mort is not active on Nwn anymore .

Here are the ranks :

1. Necromancer Archmage
2. Demilich
3. Lich
4. Vampire
5. Shadow
6. Zombie
7. Skeleton
8. Necrophant

A big thanks to 420 . I added one incorporeal undead in his corporeal list because I dislike Ghouls :P


--- Quote ---*I'd like to be moderator of the DcD forum because Mort is not active on Nwn anymore .[snapback]19635[/snapback]
--- End quote ---


So what is the official name then? Also, if you are creating this new guild, that means you are leaving DcD for dead (you know what i mean) and creating a new one?


go death go death gogogo!
i will pop in 1 of these days to see how its turning

Soul Sojourner:
Congrats, and Good luck.


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