Neverwinter Nights > Marauders

Lullaby in Marauders? :B

(1/2) > >>

Now aren't you all lucky butts?! I've just arrived as a new Marauder, don't be too hard on me. ;3
I'm honored to be accepted as one, thana. :D

Oh, and don't pick on my "noobness" in this. It's honestly something new to me. ;P

Dont worry, we welcome u eith open arms. I know u will make us proud.

Elessar Telrunya:

--- Quote ---Now aren't you all lucky butts?! I've just arrived as a new Marauder, don't be too hard on me. ;3
I'm honored to be accepted as one, thana. :D

Oh, and don't pick on my "noobness" in this. It's honestly something new to me. ;P
--- End quote ---
congrats crim :)

-Lord Elessar

Congrats, lulleh!

*gives a cookie*

Thana, all! <3


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