Funny problem. I crashed and reloged. I relogged into the halls but i got the death menu. I seleted respawn and went from the halls into Doriath at the respawn point. Then almost immidately i was booted. Whats up with that?
it's a lag issue caused because the oncliententer script actually starts to run
before your actual character get's loaded into the area (this can be attributed to Bioware being a bunch of noobs). The onplayerdeath scripts checks to see what area the player died in and then runs the appropriate script. These are as follows: In team area (1 of 2 possible scripts are run), in Halls, Shores, Newbie farm and a couple of other areas, regular GodSpire death script is run. Everywhere else you get the death GUI. When you entered you lagged a bit so most of the oncliententer script couldn't actualy detect your char. Talon's check kills and boots you cause you skipped it and since you weren't in any area when you died the ondeath runs the lack else code which is the death GUI.
Make sense?