Neverwinter Nights > GodSpire General

Team Arena

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--- Quote --- Knowing the crowd that will most often be participating I have my doubts. And unfortunately "Decoy" is not a class....if it were I wonder what it might be like...or maybe that's what str fighters are. 0.0
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I am not sure what you are trying to say but are you some how trying to put down Str fighter??

I was actually testing some things the other day.. and a level 20 monk can hold his own vs most level 40 characters.. except those with unusually high ab and casters.

Thier ac can get to 70ish and with IE can hit 80 or so.. and they rely on 20s to hit anyway so opponent's ac is virutally meaningless.

And level 20 casters can cast all the same spells a level 40 can... bigby's interposing hand, PWK/PWS, balagarn's horn, etc.. do the same "damage" from a level 20 as they do from a level 40.


--- Quote --- I'm sure they could hit a mage with there ab
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Most HOTU mages have about 90-ish AC if they were made right :(

Well isnt there  a way to scipt so lvl 20 cant damage lvl 40 and lvl 40 cant damage lvl20?
Or that might not b good  :blink:

Btw. I cant be in on godspire for a time, my computer has burned up..


--- Quote --- I think that would be cool.. hostage randomly chosen when u enter the arena.  That would force teams to be able to compensate for a lost member.

Or maybe give the team "leader" or something an item to take a person of thier choosing hostage.. tho that might get annoying.
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That randomly chosen sounded good.


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