Neverwinter Nights > GodSpire General

Global Annoucement

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This is an announcement to everyone on GS.

If you plan on casting WoF (Word of Faith) on any of my chars except Mo, please do not bother asking me for a duel.

Also if you are a hider, please do not challenge me to a duel.

*thinks of lame tactics*

If you plan on using Hellball as a means to auto knock me down to take advantage of flat footness...please do not challenge me to a duel.

Also if you are a cleric and spam SoV (Storm of Vengence) more than 3 times i will abort the duel.  You clerics lag the server with these rediculous AoEs.  If you put your hopes on people rolling 1s then you might as well find a new tactic as auto fail will probably be an enabled options on servers after the next patch.



Preach it, brotha'!

Woah! I agree :D...

I think I may be guilty of the hellball thingie when I have dev crit. :unsure: sorry.  Good thing I dont use a player much I suppose.  lol


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