Neverwinter Nights > Antediluvians
Antediluvian Clan Updates
Soul Sojourner:
Hello all! All new Antediluvian Clan Information/Updates/News will now be posted here. All JustBehave's Server Information/Updates/News will be posted in JustBehave's Server Forum. - HeLLMasteRHeLL
P.S. Thx goes out to Nathan for setting this up for us!
Visit our website at:
There is a forum, too. ;)
Razor Blade:
nice site dudes Keep it up!!! :D
Okay here's an important update:
We antes don't call us a "clan" we changed to a "tribe".
Our familiars (guys in the evaluation period) are called "hatchlings" now.
I think we try to get a bit more rp in our group :rolleyes:
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