Neverwinter Nights > CoD

Tournament rules/faq/date

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--- Quote ---question is regeneration consedareate as healing and isnt there aniway for participan to watch at least the end of there duel (thats a bit unfair for them=/)
--- End quote ---

Regeneration and wof will be allowed.
and i dont realy understand ur question kristie. is it that ur group will be able to watch the other groups duels? Well a 15 minute tollerance is allowed, so if by example ur group battle start at 14.00 hours, then u can show up at 13.45-14.15

 :excl: ow and about the time zone , i post now the dutch time in here: 17.45
so if u take time to see when i posted this reply on lucid magic time and if u count out how much lucid magic time difference from ur time u can easily count out how much dutch time differences from ur time. Just a lil math :P :excl:

ill look forward to it   :D

btw testin timezone

Blood Angel:
that post was 4:43 pm my time so for me the times are one hour earlier then the times?

i would imagine so, you are GMT then (the only one to be :))

am is after midday right?
and its 12/01 at u too right?
well if it is :
so a difference of 3 hours
so a difference of 16 hours
3-16 is -13

so u need to count down 13 hours at the tournament hour posted

if am is before midday and its 12/01 at ur place too:
a difference of 9 hours
a difference of 8 hours
8-9 is -1
so u need to count down 1 hour

hm , i think am is before midday:p


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