Neverwinter Nights > CoD
Tournament rules/faq/date
K, since u cant put new toppics up on arivs part i post things here.
Participating groups:
3.Death Can Dance
4.Doriath A
5.Doriath B
6.Doriath C
Ive asked my brother to draw who fights against who and these are the results, i will include here the date and time i expect these groups on the place. I put the time in Dutch time (since the time zones is too complicated for me:p , but i dont think its hard for u to count ur own time from there)
DoriathA-Antedilluvians (saturday 22/01 at 13.00 hours)
Brujah-DoriathC (saturday 22/01 at 14.00 hours)
DcD-DoriathB (saturday 22/01 at 15.00 hours)
*16.00 hours : Batle royal (Since we need 4 winners to go on to the next round ive decided to have a batle royal with the 3 losing groups, winner of it will get his ticket to next round)
well i will write melisa if it will be possible to run Arivs at that time. If its possible tournament will be held there, if not it will be held at justbehave server. So excact location will follow soon.
I will also ask to make this server PASSWORD PROTECTED. I will send the password to the group leaders (alkti, Razor, Blood-Angel) so they cann pass it on to the players.
I expect that the 2 battling groups come to the server at time , i will allow a 15min tollerance. make sure u dont come to early either , that will cause unneeded lag for the groups that duel that time. There will be no visitors/watchers present. i will make a team of 3 who will be judge. If a certan groups shows up with only 2/1 person then the question will be asked to the opposite group if they will drop 1/2 players or not. If not, the battle continues with 3vs2 or 3vs1.
1.When all players arive i expect on the head judge (me :P) sign to stop talking and listening for batle restriction, this avoids chaos, mis or not understanding and me repeating everything 2
2.On my signal each team will stand at the edge of the batlefield and make the opposite team hostile
3.When i say go , u can begin the fight (no prebuffing)
4.The battle is won when ur team won 2 rounds (a round is won when opponent team is killed)
5.To make it more tactical: after round 1, the LOSING group, will have the opportunity to get new characters (players remain the same), should they win the next round, the other team has advantage of this opportunnity.
:excl: penalty of breaking these is lost of a round :excl:
1.No healing of any kind
2.No hellball
3.hiding is min every 6 seconds
4.When u got killed , u have to go immediatly after respawning to the main entering door in arivs (big door that is always locked there when u enter server)
5.No bitching after a round, it is to the judges to decide wether other team cheated
so i think if said everything, if there are more questions do it here are any more
kristie dian:
question is regeneration consedareate as healing and isnt there aniway for participan to watch at least the end of there duel (thats a bit unfair for them=/)
Razor Blade:
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah man no hellball............... :( too baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad
Blood Angel:
alright, fair rules and good good.
Resurrection, as in battles on gs
are these spells allowed, I don't mind if not I just need confirmation.
--- Quote ---alright, fair rules and good good.
Resurrection, as in battles on gs
are these spells allowed, I don't mind if not I just need confirmation.
--- End quote ---
WoF has a fort save to last 6 seconds on arivs. (normal dc level 7 spell + 1/2 casterlevel) Also I might have things scripted out later. But I won't talk about that until I finished the tvt. I'm too busy right now to worry about that.
Arivs will be on for the tournie. I prolly will run nwserver on the old host (makes that everything is split over 3 machines, that won't lag for sure)
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