Author Topic: Problems with running games?  (Read 7332 times)

Offline Razor Blade

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Problems with running games?
« on: January 10, 2005, 10:24:51 AM »
My best game i ever played and where i had the most fun with was and is Final Fantasy VIII oh man i think i played the game 20 times out and it never bored me it's just so cool i dunno why the story???? the music???? the chr????? i don't know but it just got me with his magic i think hehe   :)
But anyway since i bought my new pc it won't run anymore.....  :(  i dunno why it's weird first i thought it was my 3d-card cuz the game was a bit old but then i heared from Pang he plays his FF VIII on a GeForce 5800 FX i mean.....weird anyone know what the problem here might be.... is it cuz of direct X when i play the game the color pink comes up and a error message of put disc one in the drive while it's in... :excl:
« Last Edit: January 10, 2005, 10:25:22 AM by Razor Blade »
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