The new name is CoD as in Cult of Death .
That was a difficult choice to get a name as cool as DcD .
We erased of our selection : Cowboy from Hell , Death Incarnate , PuF ( I don't even remember what that was
anyway ade thought it sounded gay , I thought it sounded cool
), and a lot of other names .
As for the ranks : 8 ranks in CoD .
1. First Necromancer - Necromancer : All old DcD members are Necromancer . People that are worth it ( active in the guild , active promotion of the undeads , cool gothic gear , etc ) will be necromancer . It's the top rank of the guild since Necromancer order to the deads .
2. Half Lich ( higher than lich since in BG2 half lich were more powerfull than Lich , Kangaxx )
3. Lich
4. Wraith ( ade told me that was undead things I didn't know that )
5. Ghost
6. Skelentons-Warrior
7. Skeletons
8. Friend of the Deads ( recruit rank )
The progression of the guild members will be depending on how Necromancer feels about guild members . Though it's not as serious as in a clan so I'll hope it'll be fast
The rercruit is on
We recruit all people that are willing to represent undeads . A positive attitude on GodSpire and other server is expected . Good-fun char does not really matter though that can help
Ty Mel for making me mod .
PS : Can someone change the DcD name in the forum in CoD please ?