Neverwinter Nights > Arivs
Anti-Hider Tactics
cheers bus! thats some essay there :)
i am going to make a nice spotter today - in between wrapping presents :)
happy christmas guys :)
--- Quote ---The Ampilfy spell (bard spell that gives +20 to listen).
--- End quote ---
Won't help if you have already 50+ from items in listen. And I wouldn't use listen, it takes some time to detect the other whit it and you still go flat, whit spot you're safe.
Blood Angel:
I found that against hiders a very funny tactic works very very well. It's mentioned above in Bus's post.
The thing is that when I fought a hider with my char, which was intended for a battle so he was an extreme buffer, the oppenent had me at near death when I started attacking, he was a hider. So after that I just let him hide and everytime he hid, I hid. He got no dmg on me what so ever and I got dmg on all my stealthing times. So either he stopped hiding, or I kill him. Guess how that turned out ^^ slaughter.
About IE > It's usefull but a bit difficult to use vs hider . You need to count apr , and his hide each 6 second to activate it when he wanna hide . Being bard aa does help because you don't need any ts or anything . With monk it's even more easier because you wanna roll 20 so don't bother with that ie timing :)
aye anyway, my new archer seems to work vs a lot of hiders - nearly even Mels :D
so spotting seems to be the defence :)
the funny thing is, when they hide and you keep attacking, they start saying "lame" and "Lag" etc :)
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