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Messages - mIRO]cRO[

Pages: 1 ... 8 9 [10] 11
Doriath / Official Announcment!
« on: September 17, 2004, 07:30:25 PM »
Btw.nice avatar :lol:

Doriath / Official explanation
« on: September 17, 2004, 04:03:28 PM »
U should have seen my moms face when i came with my hand covered in blood.

Doriath / Official explanation
« on: September 17, 2004, 03:54:01 PM »
It fell on my hand.Didnt touch the blade....not that stupid :ph34r:

Doriath / Official explanation
« on: September 17, 2004, 02:43:20 PM »
Dude this aint no ordinary katana.Soo here is the tale;my grandpa lived in the USA for quite some time.He is a doctor (cash,cash),so one year he went to Japan.
He was thinking of a original suvenir,soo he bought a real katana on Hokkaido...
This aint no fake,it was custo built by somekind of traditional building system  :rolleyes:  
anyway now its on my weekend house.I will post some pic if i got there agin soon

and btw. it fell out of the hands of my clumsy sister on my right hand.

Doriath / Official explanation
« on: September 16, 2004, 07:37:04 PM »
I havent connected to GS for quite some time.And there is a logical explanation;
i cut my hand with my katana (please dont ask how did i do it,and from where did i get a katana),so its pretty heavy to play with a bandage on your hand.Its a pretty small wound,it will pass,but just to remind u that i still exsist. :ph34r:

Doriath Private / Doriath Clan Roster
« on: September 16, 2004, 07:21:42 PM »
Soo my connecting times are monday-friday from 6 till approx. 10 GTM,on saturdays i have a little break and sunday fom dusk till dawn.....

Random Ranting / Favorite Football Team
« on: September 16, 2004, 07:21:32 PM »
I promissed myself that i must go on a match on San Siro this year.How high are the tickets,Angel (approx.)?

Doriath / Volunteer here for High Elf
« on: September 16, 2004, 07:16:07 PM »
My vote goes to Ron.Sorry,no hard fealings ;)

Doriath Private / Doriath Clan Roster
« on: September 14, 2004, 06:10:16 PM »
That wasnt a formal request,that was just a statement.
I would write it more formally (read:with no ass words)

2 Anheg: maybe you should create a list of players and their approx. connecting times (all in GMT),so we could have a better overview over clan activity

Random Ranting / watch this get deleted
« on: September 13, 2004, 04:35:38 PM »
mine are like 45...but still boooring as hell

Random Ranting / fav sport
« on: September 13, 2004, 04:29:41 PM »
a little bit OT,but NEED TO KNOW
Just for info,Blood from where are u? (country)

Random Ranting / What system specs. do you currently have?
« on: September 13, 2004, 04:26:37 PM »
A little bit late but who cares:

AMD athlon 2600 xp+ (Overclocked to 3000+)

Thermaltake Aquarius 3 H2O cooling sys

2x512 Corsair Pro LL 400 mHz

AsusTek nForce 2 bla bla

GeForce 5 5900 by Gainward

Custom made case by my dad  :lol:

(next week dsl)

Random Ranting / Favorite Football Team
« on: September 13, 2004, 03:57:24 PM »
2 words: Forza Inter  

Random Ranting / fav sport
« on: September 13, 2004, 03:54:31 PM »
Me and Angelwings recenty dicused Italian soccer (Calcio).
Sooo in that case:Forza Inter

I picked other because i snowboard for 4 years.....

DMG / The Battel is won but the war is not over
« on: September 13, 2004, 03:36:52 PM »
And for example we can organise this party in San Francisco, in the summer (420 chooice)
Im flyin in,for sure  :D  

-{Divine Exaltation}- / whit marauders or whit doriath?
« on: September 13, 2004, 03:30:12 PM »
But still its a very close race...

Doriath Private / Doriath Clan Roster
« on: September 13, 2004, 03:20:08 PM »
Its time too move my ass up ... 5 days have passed now im officialy a *Little Elf*:2nd Rank  :P  

Feedback & Community / ohhhh great... just great.
« on: September 09, 2004, 05:37:30 PM »
You got a point there Mo,but Croatia is a pretty dead with any kind of freak weather.

The biggest problems for my country would be (if they ever acure):
Sinking of a super tanker
Nuclear war
Attack of the lizzard people

GodSpire General / Who in the hell are the Antideluvians!?!?
« on: September 09, 2004, 05:15:14 PM »
There is one word for that kind of leader;puppet ;)
Not that Morticia is bad,but...

Feedback & Community / ohhhh great... just great.
« on: September 09, 2004, 05:01:53 PM »
LoL 420.
In my country there are no vulcanos,no floods (rivers too small,or too little rain),there are no earthquakes (last one happened cca 1700.),Adriatic is too small for tidal waves,famines are possible,but not likley to hapen (can import food),for deadly heat waves we can allways cool down in the sea and there is snow only in the mountains.


I that is why i love my country :rolleyes:

Heaven on Earth


~{Superior Alliance}~ / Joining ~{SA}~
« on: September 09, 2004, 04:46:34 PM »
Sep 6 2004, 12:46 PM  Yup defenitly my high time.Before lunch to get thr apetite started...i will get that fixed  

Doriath / Battle Times
« on: September 09, 2004, 04:45:31 PM »
80 KM, i have no clue how fast that is. I drive around 65 miles per hour
 130 mph is 203 kmh so its pretty simple...

And btw what is the use of an battle if a leader of our enemy is not there??? <_<  

Doriath Private / Doriath Clan Roster
« on: September 08, 2004, 05:20:07 PM »
I think you forgot someone.Hmm i cant remember who.A wait you forgot ME,the little wingil, newest memeber if Doriath ^_^

~{Superior Alliance}~ / Joining ~{SA}~
« on: September 08, 2004, 04:18:52 PM »
Funny, Miro, didnt you say this: "when the war starts, there will be a river of blood. ELF BLOOD"  <_<

PS For the rest ur a cool guy, lol
Refresh my memory,when did i say that? :blink:
Anyway,if i said that i was or drunk or high ^_^

Feedback & Community / ohhhh great... just great.
« on: September 07, 2004, 07:17:51 PM »
And i was wondering where Megan La'fiiri is.She lives on Barbados,Bridge Town.
I dont want to know what happened there *cryes* :(  

GodSpire General / Who in the hell are the Antideluvians!?!?
« on: September 07, 2004, 07:10:04 PM »
i was kinda spying on them.(KGB owns)
And im not kidding,they where talking about that.
I was laughing sooo hard i started to cry :lol:

Feedback & Community / ohhhh great... just great.
« on: September 07, 2004, 07:04:24 PM »
I live in a peacefull part of Earth so i think i will never see a real tornado,hurricane,or something like that.So for Florida floks:KEEP YOUR LAMP POSTS CLOSE.You never know when you gonna need them...

DMG / How To Join The Ã???�mG
« on: September 07, 2004, 06:49:52 PM »
You got me wrong.I thought you pulled "Ã???�ragon MonarK"s from some old japnese book or something like that...

If you wrote that,nice work.

GodSpire General / Terms of the War
« on: September 07, 2004, 06:23:09 PM »
The night air confuses me *kick�??�?�½s himself in the head with a baseball bat*

GodSpire General / Terms of the War
« on: September 07, 2004, 05:55:02 PM »
What about civil casulties of war? For example a n00b walks in multiplayer arena
and starts to attack somebody... :blink:

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