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Messages - Elessar Telrunya

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Guild Wars General / Re: GW Screen Shots
« on: May 24, 2012, 04:39:53 PM »
Next time I play I'll remember to take some.  Hopefully.  hehehe.

Guild Wars General / Re: GW Screen Shots
« on: May 23, 2012, 10:35:36 PM »
This isn't really new screen shots from me, but a website called Project Tyria has been taking screen shots from the various GW2 betas and matching them up with screen shots from the same location in GW1.  It's pretty cool to look at for anyone who likes continuity.  I ran into this myself during the stress test when I dove underwater in a swamp and realized I had stumbled into the sunken ruins of the Temple of Ages.

You can see the comparisons from the statue of Grenth.

Guild Wars News / Re: GW2 reserving names
« on: May 17, 2012, 11:45:52 PM »
I think the Hall of Monuments might have been the initial plan, but I think that's just going to transfer achievements now.  From what I understand you just have to log into your account and all of your character names will be reserved for you, so long as you either prepurchase or preorder the game and make those characters during the headstart period.

Guild Wars News / GW2 reserving names
« on: May 17, 2012, 06:44:07 PM »
They announced the process for reserving your character names from guild wars 1 for guild wars 2 today.  Basically if you've logged in since the new year, your character names will be reserved for you, but you have to create characters with those names during the 3-day head start period immediately before release, which means you have to prepurchase the game (or pre-order and do it during the 1 day head start for preorders).  After that, any unclaimed names from gw1 will be taken off the reservation list.  Also, you can have one word names in gw2.

Just thought you all might want to know if you're interested in playing gw2.  From the beta weekend and stress test I've participated in, I think it's worth prepurchasing.Here's the info directly from them if you want to see.

Guild Wars News / Re: GW2 BETA TESTS
« on: May 01, 2012, 09:32:57 PM »
Read a pretty good article by someone who's opinions of the game changed completely after the beta weekend here.  It gives more info that I did above.

Guild Wars News / Re: GW2 BETA TESTS
« on: April 30, 2012, 03:48:13 PM »
I didn't get to play nearly as much as I wanted to, but I had a pretty great time with all of it.

I played a human elementalist, which was a pretty fun class to play.  The game starts off right in the middle of an event - you have to fight off a centaur raid outside of Divinity's Reach.  I felt there might have been a little more in the way of tutorial for the start, but it's possible I just sort of skipped over that because the controls are pretty standard and very similar to the layout of the first Guild Wars.  I think I might have been a little lost if I hadn't already read so much about it.

The combat is extremely fun once you get your skills unlocked.  Your first five skills are based on your weapon set, and I didn't feel like they were all just x damage.  The first skill is usually something that's just spamable damage and it's the autoattack skill, but the others have some unique property to them - they'll apply specific debuffs or buffs or do very specific things.  I ended up using a scepter with a dagger and had a nice mix of offensive and defensive skills.  The elementalist can switch between attunements pretty much at will, so I had a lot of different skills to choose from, and attuning to a different element causes some immediate effect.  A lot of my strong damage seemed to lie in my fire magic skills: I had two strong AoE spells, Dragon's Tooth and Phoenix, and the Phoenix hits foes on its way to the target, on its way back to you, and heals you when it returns.  I had useful blinds in either Air or Earth attunement, and some strong knockdown and damage in Earth Attunement.  Water was useful for some extra healing and slowing enemies, but my favorite combo was in Air: the two skills from my dagger were Ride the Lightning, which jumped me to my target and shocked them, and I'd follow it with Updraft, which would launch me and my foes backwards, and my foes would be knocked down when they landed.

Unlocking skills was a little annoying, because you have to unlock them per weapon type.  So you start with the scepter and have your first skill, and then you have to unlock the others by fighting with the scepter.  The first two skills to unlock were usually pretty quick, but it could take a lot longer for the last two.  I found it irritating on the elementalist, because progress towards unlocking your next skill in an attunement was dependent on killing a foe while attuned to that element.  So when I started unlocking my earth skills (it was the last attunement unlocked, you start with fire and water, then air, then earth), it took even longer because I had to keep reverting to other attunements to be effective in the area I was in.  Once the skills were unlocked though, it was a lot of fun to switch between attunements on the fly depending on what I needed.

The combat itself is very visual and reactive, and success depends a lot more on not taking damage than being able to heal fast.  A lot of foes were capable of taking out half my health with one hit in level appropriate areas.  I didn't mind this because it forced me to play smarter with my skills and use them right when I needed them.  Dodging at the right time helps a lot with not taking damage.

The death system is one of my favorite parts of the game.  You don't die right away when you hit 0 health.  You go into a downed state, where you can still fight, and if you manage to kill a foe, you rally and regain enough health to get back on your feet.  If you don't rally or you don't heal yourself in time (which is difficult if a foe is still attacking you) or no one comes to revive you, you then become defeated and either respawn at a waypoint or wait for someone to revive you.  The game encourages people to help revive each other by giving experience points as a reward for reviving other players.

I did feel like some of the events I played in could have scaled a little better to the number of people present.  There were times where we had so many people helping that it didn't matter exactly what spells I cast as much as it did when I was alone or with only a few other people.  However, when I was playing solo, I never felt like I was being overwhelmed.  Yeah, if I did something stupid I would die, and even if I didn't it was still a challenge, but it was a fun challenge.

As per usual for Arenanet's standards, the game art is beautiful all around.  I especially enjoyed seeing Divinity's Reach, the last human bastion in Tyria.  I think my jaw actually dropped and I whispered "wow" when I first walked into the city.  I do have to admit though, after playing the original guild wars for so long, it was really weird to actually be able to go inside buildings again.  I forgot it was even a possibility when the storyline took me there!

I found that I liked exploring the personal story mode a lot more than just wandering around to find an event going on, but I did enjoy an event just springing up and getting distracted as I followed it off instead of going to the next point in the story.  The game actually encourages that a lot, because if you just beeline through the personal story you'll very quickly fall out of pace with levels.

My one complaint was that when I did try to meet up with members of my guild and play, it was very scattered and disjointed.  We just sort of ran around finding things, but we'd often get separated because we weren't all pursuing the same thing.  If we had been working on, say, one person's personal story, it might have been a little easier, but aside from that, there's just so much going on that it was hard to feel like I was in an effective party with my guild.

Overall though, I felt like the game really encourages players to engage in whatever play style they like best.  Almost everything I could have done had some reward for it.  Participating in events yields a lot more rewards than just killing monsters, and I've heard of people getting so swept away by the events going on that they didn't even touch the personal story.  Even exploring gave me experience - every time I entered a new area or found a new waypoint I got around 100-200 experience just for finding a new place.  I didn't try the crafting system, but I bet that does too.

I think I only got a total of 8-10 hours playing in this weekend, but it was a lot of fun, and I can't wait for the next beta weekend.  Definitely check it out if you can, and I'll try to take some screenshots next time. +)

Guild Wars News / Re: GW2 BETA TESTS
« on: April 28, 2012, 04:33:43 PM »
I've only gotten to play a little bit so far, but the gw2 beta has been awesome!

Guild Wars News / Re: GW2 BETA TESTS
« on: April 20, 2012, 01:06:34 AM »
First Beta Weekend Event is the last weekend in April.  I'll be playing, and there isn't an NDA so I'll post some pictures.  The only guaranteed access is through prepurchasing the game.

Guild Wars News / Re: Guild Wars 2
« on: April 10, 2012, 06:13:33 PM »
Prepurchase is available starting today.  Go to the gw2 website if you want to purchase it, or you can get it from other retailers.  Prepurchase comes with access to beta events and head start access when the game is released.  I prepurchased mine today.

Guild Wars General / Re: GW Screen Shots
« on: April 04, 2012, 01:23:32 AM »
Ouch.  If you bug Serria she might try and corral everyone on for a guild run.  Lately I've just been advancing the elementalist I did Defender of Ascalon on.  Honestly though, all the gw2 beta videos are just making me antsy to play gw2...

Guild Wars News / Re: GW2 BETA TESTS
« on: February 23, 2012, 10:29:08 AM »

You can sign up to participate in beta tests now.

NwN General / Re: reinstalled
« on: February 20, 2012, 07:54:16 PM »
I actually still have a copy of that script.  It was a stand alone script that was executed from the on enter script.

NwN General / Re: reinstalled
« on: February 20, 2012, 09:57:10 AM »
Well, as long as throbbleserv is up, we can use their arena.  If I recall, it's almost identical to the old GS rules.

Guild Wars News / GW2 BETA TESTS
« on: February 17, 2012, 08:11:58 PM »
GW2 Beta Tests
Quote from: GW2 Blog
It starts today.
Hundreds of invited players and press from around the world will be logging into Guild Wars 2 for a beta test weekend of high adventure, exploration, in-depth personal stories, and teeth-rattling combat. We love playing our game as much as we love showing it off to our fellow gamers, so damn near everyone at ArenaNet will be logging in this weekend to play alongside our beta testers.
After this beta weekend we

NwN General / Re: reinstalled
« on: February 17, 2012, 08:05:26 PM »
It'd just be really hard to get times when everyone's actually on.

Guild Wars General / Re: GW Screen Shots
« on: February 13, 2012, 01:41:40 PM »
Nah, moved into post-searing and cruising through when I have time.  It's a lot faster when I only care about skill quests and missions.  I just ignore the rest of the quests.  Having 16 fire magic against low level enemies helps too.

Guild Wars General / Re: GW Screen Shots
« on: February 07, 2012, 01:29:22 PM »
BAMF.  Finally did it.  Going to take him to post eventually.  Just don't have time right now.

NwN General / reinstalled
« on: February 04, 2012, 02:49:24 PM »
I felt motivated to reinstall NWN today.  It's finished, but I had trouble updating - I think I've found the fix, which just finished.  I'm about to test it out.

Guild Wars General / Re: GW Screen Shots
« on: January 31, 2012, 11:44:12 AM »
My monk accidentally acquired level 1 after a FoW run one day, but I haven't gotten legendary survivor to put in my monument yet...I started stocking up on books to just turn them all in at once for the xp, but I haven't had time to complete them all yet.

Guild Wars General / Re: GW Screen Shots
« on: January 30, 2012, 06:38:24 PM »
Yeah, it's nice for those of us still playing.  In pre-searing ascalon, once you hit level 10, you gain access to a daily rotation of quests that all give 1000xp reward.  It enables you to earn the Defender of Ascalon title without death-leveling. 

You can also see all of the festival hats here.

Guild Wars General / Re: GW Screen Shots
« on: January 28, 2012, 02:50:02 PM »
I'm super close to getting defender of ascalon glad they added the new pre-quests!

Guild Wars News / Re: Guild Wars 2
« on: December 15, 2011, 11:43:10 PM »
Still no idea.  They've announced that they are/should soon be proceeding into closed beta testing, and that they will get an idea of when they'd like to do public beta tests based on those.

Guild Wars News / Re: Guild Wars 2
« on: December 14, 2011, 12:42:11 PM »
Arenanet finally announced the Mesmer as the final profession for Guild Wars 2 - which we all kind of guessed at anyway.  They have a cute little illusion on their front page too.

ThrobbleServ / Re: ThrobbleServ Hosting Haunted House
« on: November 01, 2011, 05:52:56 PM »
I wish I had time to pop by, it sounds like so much fun!  Maybe we can have a haunted Christmas in a few months so I can see what I'm missing?

Guild Wars General / Re: General Playing Alerts...
« on: October 17, 2011, 12:03:24 AM »
I've been really busy with school, so I haven't been on much, but TAG is still somewhat active, at least on weekends.

« on: September 08, 2011, 11:25:26 PM »
I actually thought he might be pulling our legs - just posting the little null image image to make us go crazy.

There's my obligatory post.

Guild Wars General / Re: General Playing Alerts...
« on: September 03, 2011, 08:15:34 PM »
TAG is putting together a DoA group right now.

Guild Wars General / Re: General Playing Alerts...
« on: September 03, 2011, 12:39:06 PM »
I'm going to eat some breakfast and log on.

Guild Wars News / Re: Guild Wars 2
« on: August 17, 2011, 06:04:38 PM »
Arenanet released a new video today that features some cool game art as well a lot of really awesome game play footage.

Guild Wars General / Re: GW Screen Shots
« on: July 28, 2011, 03:51:02 PM »
The title is not lost if you die, but you start over counting experience.  So if you get halfway there and die, as long as you gain 140,600 experience before dying again, you can still get level 1, so on and so forth.  My monk actually got survivor tier 1 unexpectedly after we had gone through most of the underworld one night.

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