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Topics - Morticia

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CoD / undead guide
« on: April 06, 2005, 10:56:52 AM »
Types of the Undead.

AFRIT, Found in Arabia:

 A Smokey spirit that rises from the blood of a murder victim. The afrit sets about to avenge his death, a terror that his killer can easily evade by driving a nail into the ground where the blood spilled.

The Banshee, Celtic Death Messenger:

 The banshee tradition occurs throughout Ireland and nearby islands. The gaelic terms used most frequently to describe the banshee are the "bean-si" (a female dweller of a sidhe, or fairy mound), the "bean chaointe" (a female keener, a term found in east Munster and Connaught) and the "badhb" (referring to a more dangerous, frightening bogey). Although "bean-si" implies an Otherworld or fairy being, the banshee is a solitary creature without male counterpart who never partakes in communal human or fairie social enterprise. Speculation also links the banshee with the mystical race Tuatha De'Dannan, from whence the fairy folk are descended. There is little folk evidence to support Christian explanations that the banshee is a devil who wails for the souls that are lost to her as they ascend to heaven, or that they are familial guardian angels or souls of unbaptized children or even the souls of women who committed the sin of pride in life.

 More likely the banshee should be thought of as the "spirit of the family", a spirit who attends to the family in a time of transition. The banshee is described as a wee woman with long white, blond or even auburn hair who appears in the vicinity of the birthplace of the soon to be deceased. When seen, she is wearing the clothes of a country woman, usually white, but sometimes grey, brown or red. The former hues represent the colors of mourning while red is associated with magic, fairies and the supernatural. In some accounts she is seen combing her hair as she laments. She is heard more often than seen, wailing as she approaches the abode in the late evening or early morning, sometimes perching on the windowsill two to three hours or even days before a death. As she moves off into the darkness witnesses describe a fluttering sound, such as the sound made by birds flying at night. Hence, the mistaken belief that banshees manifest as birds such as the crow. The inaccurate association with crows is probably due to confusion of the banshee with the primitive Celtic goddess Badb, the goddess of war who appeared frequently in the form of a crow.

 Banshees also wail around natural forms such as trees, rivers, and stones. Wedge shaped rocks known as "banshee's chairs" are found in Waterford, Monaghan and Carlow. Although there have been reports of banshees accompanying Irish families who emigrated to the Americas, it appears the banshee more often grieves for an emigrant at the ancestral family seat in Ireland. Stories are told of the misfortune visited upon men who interfered with the banshee by taking her comb or challenging her. These tales point up the value of courteousness towards women, the avoidance of drink, violence and late hours.


 A type of BOGEY hobgoblin in English folklore that had poltergeist habits. Although, it can be helpful and sociable with some people, the Boggart most often is mischievous, annoying and frightening. Without making a visual appearance, it makes itself known by playing tricks on people, such as pulling off their bedclothes. Sometimes Boggart acts are accompanied by terrible noises or laughter. Boggarts can also be nasty and mean, and have been known to scratch, punch and pinch people, and even snatch and carry them away. They inhabit a house, churchyard or field, or live in another body, such as that of a cat or dog. In some cases, exorcism successfully puts an end to their activities.


 A bogie is a mischievous but harmless spirit that lives in darkness. They can be found livings inside anything as long as there are areas of darkness. Bogies favor places where people store goods which they no longer use, so a dusty attic can harbor a number of bogies. Bogies try to be stealthful but by nature they are clumsy. They amuse themselves by hovering behind a persons back creating a feeling of uneasiness, and removing the blankets on the bed during a cold night.


 The Bogeymen are malevolent ethereal creatures from children's folklore. Bogeymen can be either really evil or trouble makers that in truth are harmless. Bogeymen are a type of shape changer, they can move objects and cause disruptions. Bogeymen tend to haunt a family much like a ghost, in some cases they become friends with the family and play with the children. The Bogeymen tend to harm those that are liars or someone that commits evil acts. The Bogeymen are vague in appearance this is due to their ethereal state and that they are shape changers, in a general appearance they resemble a puff off dust. It is though that the story of the bogeymen comes from Indonesia where "bugis" which were pirates in these parts. Sailors from England and France brought stories back anglicizing them telling their children "If you're bad, the bugisman will come and get you!" and over time the word was changed to Bogey.

Doppelgangers (Doubles)
 Doppelgangers (i.e. Doubles) are apparitions of living people seen by the self or are seen in close proximity by others. They are seen as often as or even more often than apparitions of the dead.

 The appearance of a double is sometimes considered to be a bad omen and a foretelling of death. These people after they saw their own doubles sometimes died shortly afterwards. However not all such sightings follow this pattern. Some continue to live on after the sighting.

 Doppelgangers are not really harmful although the fear generated by the belief in them as an omen of death may play some part in deteriorating the health or state of mind of those who see them. These doubles are usually non-interactive.

 However sometimes there are occasions where they suggest some evil or a split in the personality of self. The doubles are seen by the person earlier and followed by some form of attack by the same doubles at the later time. Such cases seem to suggest that doppelganger might be the embodiment of some particular part of the self; the Mr. Hyde released from the otherwise balanced Jekyll and Hyde combination. If so, then the entity, or perhaps thought-form, that was the doppelganger took on a dangerous life of its own. The `evil' doppelganger might be a hallucination that `allowed' the person to do something foolish on oneself.

 Occasionally, the doppelganger does not appear as a warning or omen, but does seem to show future event. It acts as a vision of future event or perhaps a version of precognition. The person who saw the doubles might experience seeing a vision of himself or herself approximately a few years ahead or older.

 Another explanation for doppelganger suggests that the doubles are projections from the sighter's own mind for a purpose. Like Crisis Apparitions, those who are in danger may `create' an image that guides them from their very own subconscious, so doubles may serve a similar function. It might be a complex way of talking to or communicating with oneself - perhaps the subconscious talking to the conscious. Under such circumstances, the person might be in problem or trouble, and experience seeing one's doubles coming into rescue one way or another to solve the problem and trouble.

 One interesting case had showed that sometimes a person is capable of deliberately set out to produce an apparition of oneself. It took a while to learn how to do it. However, the process is tiring and it requires the person to take some rest after the event.


 Ghosts are spirits of the dead who are trapped in our world because they cannot go and rest. Normally these creatures cannot be controlled but powerful liches vampires and necromancers are able to control some of these spirits. Ghosts are ethereal creatures this means that they can move through solid objects, ghosts can not be harm in fighting only by laying the spirit to rest by exorcism or using blessed weapons have a effect on these creatures. There are many categories of ghosts.


 Ghouls were once men but they are cannibals, and over the years they have developed into pack hunters they still look human but they have sharper teeth and nails. They also apparently have a green tinge to there skin. They like to overpower their victims with sheer numbers.


 ...demon in male form that seeks to have sexual intercourse with sleeping women; the corresponding spirit in female form is called a succubus. In medieval Europe, union with an incubus was supposed by some to result in the birth of witches, demons, and deformed human offspring. The legendary magician Merlin was said to have been fathered by an incubus. Parallels exist in many cultures. The word incubus is derived from the Latin incubus ("nightmare") and incubare ("to lie upon, weigh upon, brood"). In modern psychological usage, the term has been applied to the type of nightmare that gives one the feeling of a heavy weight or oppression on the chest and stomach.


 A knocker is a type of Kobold. They live deep in mines and are good-natured spirits, which point out to miners where the rich veins are by using knocking sound, thus this is where they get the name. Although they are friendly spirits they like to play strange tricks on them. They change their faces to scare them or perform strange dances. The miners must leave part of their food for the knockers or they become mad and that would be bad luck. The Knockers originate from Cornwall but they are also known as Coblynau or Buccas in Wales.

Jack O'Lantern:

 Jack was a farmer who was lazy but also quick-witted. One day while jack was sitting under a tree in at the side of a field the Devil came to Jack to tempt him, but jack tricked the Devil into climbing the tree. The Devil soon realized he was stuck up the tree, the Devil had to ask Jack for help. Jack agreed to help the devil on one condition that Jack would not be allowed into Hell. The Devil could not refuse as he was stuck, he agreed reluctantly. Jack Helped the Devil down. Eventually Jack died, and went straight to hell, but the devil kept his word and would not let him in. So Jack traveled to Heaven, Jack had not been a good man during his life and they would not let him into Heaven either. Jack was sent back to earth where Jack hollowed out one of his gourds and made a lantern out of it. Jack was forced to wander the world trying to find somewhere he can stay. This is where the pumpkins carved into faces come from for Halloween. They are supposed to hold souls. Though many people think they are there to ward off evil spirits. Jack O'Lantern has been featured in films such as Tim Burtons "A nightmare before Christmas".


 Liches are once living powerful necromancers and have become powerful enough to live on after death as a Undead necromancer or Liche. Liches tend to be powerful evil creatures who are stronger now they are Undead than they were when they were alive.


 Mummies are long dead pharaohs and nobles from the Egypt or the three Niles area, they are bound up in a process called mummification in preparation for the afterlife. There tombs were often cursed, and are said that if the tomb is disturbed the mummy will come back to life to seek out the person who disturbed the tomb. In later descriptions of mummies from descriptions that are not placed in our realm they are again ancient kings that have been raised from beyond by evil necromantic powers, to help the Undead wage there wars.


 A Necromancer is an evil wizard who practices in the necromancy. Necromancy is the power over the world of the dead. Their powers enable them to raise corpses from the ground to create armies of Skeletons and Zombies. Necromancers steal the life-force from other living creatures to extent there own and to increase there strength and toughness. Often necromancers are from human stock but this does not rule out other races from practicing necromancy. Sometimes this power is also known as voodoo.


 Nightmares are undead horses they are one of the greatest aids to the undead. These are the bodies of great war-horses that are brought back to the unlife by necromantic powers. Nightmares unlike mortal horses have the ability to move through terrain that might be blocking there path they can move though walls and dense vegetation with ease.

 The word "poltergeists" means "noisy ghosts" in German. From the German polter = noisy, and geist = ghost. It is the disturbances that differentiate the poltergeist from other ghost reports. According to studies, there are several forms of traces. The most common type is in the form of noises. They could be rapping and spontaneous noises. Another form would be apparitions such as black shapes or ghostly appearances. Sometimes apports had been reported in cases. The spontaneous manifestation of objects (e.g., small stones falling on house roofs) without apparent source. There are also documented cases that reported levitations. People had been lifted into the air without any aid. Reports had also shown moving objects in cases when items moved by themselves and spontaneously. Occasionally, people had been attacked by the poltergeist. Scratches and bites are common skin markings. Others phenomena include both small fires and leaking of water.

 Poltergeist activities tend to strengthen and then diminish. It usually started with some noises first and consequently come in with some of the characteristics listed above. Sometimes the activities could be extremely disturbing to both the individuals affected and the family.

 There is no consensus as to the origins of poltergeists. The researchers are divided between those who believe poltergeists are a form of PK energy released and those who believe they are entities. Last but not least, there are researchers who believe that they are a combination of two - entities that were "allowed in" by certain states of mind.


 Skeletons are fallen creatures that have been summoned from beyond the grave normally of fallen warriors on battles of long past. All the skeletons can remember of there past are faint memories. They are reanimated by dark magic powers. Skeletons follow their master's orders without question Necromancers, Liches or Vampires usually command them. Skeletons have also risen from, the teeth of a Hydra to do they're bidding for their mistress. As seen in Jason and the Argonauts.


 Different people have described vampires in many ways. The classic vampires are human in appearance, but some supernatural force taints their blood. They to feed upon the blood of living creatures to sustain themselves. Some vampire descriptions describe them, as humans possessed by demons. Vampires are also known for superior strength and dexterity, and often have the ability to control wild animals such as wolves and bats. In some descriptions of vampires they have the ability to change into a bat. Vampires have also shown to possess powers to be able to transfix their victims, with their glowing red eyes. Vampires are creatures of darkness due to their weakness against the light. There is a classic how to tell if someone if they are a vampire they will have no reflection. In certain Vampire descriptions they have the ability to perform necromancy and other dark magic's. Vampires are only killed in the following ways

1) A Stake through the heart

2) Decapitation of the Vampire 3)

Exposure to Sunlight

 There are other ways to harm vampires it is seen that the cross is a powerful symbol and can be used to injure the vampire, Holy or blessed water can also harm vampires its burns there skin. Vampires also seem to have a bizarre weakness against garlic in a few descriptions. It has been noted recently that vampires can't drink the blood of someone whose blood is tainted with drugs such as steroids. Vampires also seem to be highly flammable in some descriptions and try to avoid fire at all costs.


 Wights are not unlike skeleton warriors but they are fallen lords, dukes and such nobles who have been placed in a barrow and which there battle gear and wealth was stored with them, these barrows are protected by powerful enchantments. These nobles are more powerful than there skeleton kin and are normally found leading groups of skeletons or zombies for there masters.

Winged Nightmares:

 Winged nightmares are monsters that had wings brought back to life such as Griffons, Hippogrifs and Manticores. These creatures are much harder to raise from beyond the grave compared with the normal nightmares.


 Wraith or shadows were once people who practiced dark magic's. These people tried to extend there life for many hundreds of years but the result was not what they expected all that is left of them is a soul that is deprived of substance and which the persons mind has been driven mad by its most hideous fears. Wraiths are ethereal creatures so they can move through solid objects, there faces are tortured souls and the presence of a wraith brings terror and they are noted for and area of extreme coldness around them. Holy or blessed weapons can only harm Wraiths. The creatures of the Undead are made up of creatures, which have once been alive and have been raised from the grave, or are creatures or men that ally themselves with these foulest of monsters.

Were creatures:

 Were creatures are cursed people, that change on a full moon to the Were creature that they are. The most commonly known of were creatures are Werewolves, there are also Werebears and Werefoxes and many other were creatures. You can become a Were creature if you are bitten by a Were creature and survive the attack. There is no know cure for been a Were creature. They fit into the undead category as people who are were creatures do sort of become immortal, they can only be killed by a silver bullet to the heart, though a silver arrow or sword will work as well.


 Zombies are corpses brought back to unlife by various ways depending on the text. Zombies fall under two groups those caused by a virus of bacteria that causes the infected person to die then come back as an animated person with a craving for flesh. These type of Zombies are seen in computer games like Resident Evil, and in most zombie films. The other type of zombies are those that are raised by evil magic. This usually involves a necromancer or some other spell caster. Voodoo magic is also associated with zombies. There have been reported cases of zombies wandering around on the streets due to voodoo

WoW General / best way to make money fast?
« on: March 28, 2005, 02:47:58 PM »
Hi all
i am level 39 atm .
and i wanna have mount but i only have 30 gold :/
so  iwas wondering , how can someone earn money fast? what are good places to farm or so?

thx in advance.

NwN General / Next departure
« on: February 16, 2005, 03:32:07 PM »
Morticia is leaving neverwinter nights.
Perhaps i pop in from time to time on godspire but as most of u probably guessed i stop playing neverwinter nights.
It was fun and most of u people were great and friendly.
reason of me quitting is spending my time in WOW.
I will still visit lucidmagic to see whats going on in godspire etc.

few things i would like to say:
1. i hope Mo dont have hard feelings against me for me not finishing my sit training
2. i hope no one get hard feelings against me for me quitting nwn (i still wander the forum anyway)
3. Love u all and probably will kick doriaths tails on WOW later :P
4. for those who will also play WOW: i am an tauren male druid (females didnt look cool), character name = byzon
5. it would be nice if there was a WOW part on LM as like guildwars have 1.

cya all.

WoW General / Have fear!
« on: February 12, 2005, 05:01:13 AM »
cuz Morty has joined the undead ranks in WOW!
Received an offer i couldnt refuse to play WOW and i must say , its fabulous.
In time i will raise the DcD guild there too.

TSoGS / smt wrong
« on: February 04, 2005, 12:13:18 PM »
well when u stone person. And unstone him then. And restone him again cuz he violated again it wont work.
Strange, asked bzk to try stone the prson then but his doesnt work then either.
second time it happens to me now.

-{Divine Exaltation}- / Decission
« on: February 02, 2005, 02:44:01 PM »
I ve spoken to tyrael. Now i know him better i can follow him.
I will degrate from high counsil to angel. Tyr will take my place.
1.He can give more respect towards members then me
2.It wasnt totaly right me joining a day and gets highest position
3.He s the oldest member
4.I know he can do more then me for DE and i know he will do that too.
5.I m beginning to understand i cant revive it cuz i cant put the effort needed to revive it into it. Tyr can.

So Rand , can u change the roster then? if u dont want me in DE anymore i can understand. Counsils decission.

ps: i dont wanna hear any witty comments ...

CoD / newest member
« on: January 29, 2005, 05:41:46 PM »
Delly is the newest DcD member.
Be nice and say hello to the recently embraced person

-{Divine Exaltation}- / password protected?
« on: January 29, 2005, 04:51:29 AM »
Do u like the privacy idea? or do u wish that this would remain visible to others?

Me personally begin to like the idea of password protecting it, other people just drop in to comment etc.

-{Divine Exaltation}- / Clean start
« on: January 25, 2005, 03:39:22 PM »
Well people , as u can see DE will have a fresh start.
Me , Rand and Shade will get it back alive (alltough i prefer death)

Some changes:
management of the clan will consist of 3 people (high counsil)

Changed the ranking system, we are a divine clan so ranks should be taht way too. U gain a rank when u pass total vote of high counsil , this will not go easy. All the old members are given a high rank as reward of their devotion.

New members start with rank recruit, this is a trial period of 2 weeks. U can get the recruit rank through skill. When ur recruit ur personality will be judged, after 2 weeks we decide wether u passed that. If so u gain the rank of Amaranth.
If people are known on gs/ arivs and those wanna join we can decide them to skip the recruit part and go to Amaranth at once.

-{Divine Exaltation}- / Complaints thread
« on: January 25, 2005, 12:04:51 PM »
Put in here any misbehaving about one of the DE members. The High Counsil will look into it if the complaint is worth doing that.

CoD / Just to let u know
« on: January 24, 2005, 12:59:23 PM »
I joined Divine Exaltation.
-i like Shadowfury
-i wanted to join a respectfull clan and they were the first to ask
-DE has risen from the ground and back alive

GodSpire General / read
« on: January 24, 2005, 12:22:01 PM »
keep ur member s at ease
espec abby s left hand

calling everyone noobs etc...
such acts arent good for ur clans reputation

CoD / roleplaying in nwn
« on: January 23, 2005, 04:53:14 AM »
hehe mort, your getting poetic in your old age :P

2 reasons for me acting that way:
1.i was pretty high
2.i wanna insert the roleplaying part in nwn. Vampires are old, malkavian are vampires who talk in riddles. I wanna act like the poet deep in me so u havent heard the last of poetry on nwn!

for those who wish to follow (alltough i think would be the only one) :
lizards are ancient and wise
undead are raging and cruel
humans are deceiving
elves are arrogant but strong
dwarves are bulky (realy good drinkers)

CoD / Theatre of tragedy story line
« on: January 22, 2005, 03:51:16 AM »
An impossible silence this morning. Elves are gathered in their woods. Lizards in their caves. Both are preparing themself for the great batlle wich will decide the  owner of the great forrests. Who would win? Lizards with unseen experience or elves with great number. 3 armies of the elves were gathered. Then they came out. Marching towards each other. Towards the lands of arivs for it will be there that the great battle will take place.
Then an unexpected event for the elves took place.
Clan Brujah is well known for raiding the borders of Arivs. And seeing the shiny armor of the elves made them hungry. They ambushed the elves third army.
The second armie of the elves faced a graveyard on their path to Arivs. Instead of leading their men around they went through it. The elves should have known better. For it is the dead who rule the graveyard, not the elves.
Now 3 batles take place:
The first elven army could reach the Lizards
The second are facing the undead
The Third got ambushed By Brujah

CoD / Tornament bets
« on: January 21, 2005, 10:52:50 AM »
U heard it right folks! First round of tournament is comming close so bets are openend!!
Who will win the whole tournament and earn the title of best team vs team group of arivs/godspire and justbehave server!!

CoD / Tournament rules/faq/date
« on: January 11, 2005, 12:41:01 PM »
K, since u cant put new toppics up on arivs part i post things here.
Participating  groups:
3.Death Can Dance
4.Doriath A
5.Doriath B
6.Doriath C

Ive asked my brother to draw who fights against who and these are the results, i will include here the date and time i expect these groups on the place. I put the time in Dutch time (since the time zones is too complicated for me:p , but i dont think its hard for u to count ur own time from there)

DoriathA-Antedilluvians (saturday 22/01 at 13.00 hours)
Brujah-DoriathC (saturday 22/01 at 14.00 hours)
DcD-DoriathB (saturday 22/01 at 15.00 hours)
*16.00 hours : Batle royal (Since we need 4 winners to go on to the next round ive decided to have a batle royal with the 3 losing groups, winner of it will get his ticket to next round)

well i will write melisa if it will be possible to run Arivs at that time. If its possible tournament will be held there, if not it will be held at justbehave server. So excact location will follow soon.
I will also ask to make this server PASSWORD PROTECTED. I will send the password to the group leaders  (alkti, Razor, Blood-Angel) so they cann pass it on to the players.
I expect that the 2 battling groups come to the server at time , i will allow a 15min tollerance. make sure u dont come to early either , that will cause unneeded lag for the groups that duel that time. There will be no visitors/watchers present. i will make a team of 3 who will be judge. If a certan groups shows up with only 2/1 person then the question will be asked to the opposite group if they will drop 1/2 players or not. If not, the battle continues with 3vs2 or 3vs1.

1.When all players arive i expect on the head judge (me :P) sign to stop talking and listening for batle restriction, this avoids chaos, mis or not understanding and me repeating everything 2
2.On my signal each team will stand at the edge of the batlefield and make the opposite team hostile
3.When i say go , u can begin the fight (no prebuffing)
4.The battle is won when ur team won 2 rounds (a round is won when opponent team is killed)
5.To make it more tactical: after round 1, the LOSING group, will have the opportunity to get new characters (players remain the same), should they win the next round, the other team has advantage of this opportunnity.

 :excl: penalty of breaking these is lost of a round :excl:
1.No healing of any kind
2.No hellball
3.hiding is min every 6 seconds
4.When u got killed , u have to go immediatly after respawning to the main entering door in arivs (big door that is always locked there when u enter server)
5.No bitching after a round, it is to the judges to decide wether other team cheated

so i think if said everything, if there are more questions do it here are any more

CoD / Vampire
« on: January 08, 2005, 07:47:16 AM »

Reality, Myth, and Folklore

Vampire, the word strikes fear into the hearts of people world over. Though is a vampire really something we should fear? Is a vampire really an undead creature of the night, which bears it?s fangs at the sight of a young victims neck, and feeds from the blood of the living. Or is a vampire what we perceives it to be in movies; a pale faced man with short jet black hair and spooky fangs in a tuxedo and cape? Or is a vampire something more than is perceived by legend, Hollywood, and role players.

Many people have theories to what a true vampire is. These theories are passed down through centuries in myth and legend. There are many kinds of vampires, both real and myth, which Konstantinos proves in his book, Vampires the Occult Truth. Konstantinos proves that there are four general types of vampire. A vampire can range from being a deceased phantom entity of a once living person, or a living psychic vampire. "Vampires, in reality, are those creatures who prey upon others for sustenance. The source of that sustenance, the method of obtaining it, and the need it fulfill are what distinguish the different type of vampires from each other", Konstantinos (pg 10). As long as it?s a creature which must feed or take sustenance for itself, from another person for it?s survival then, is considered a vampire. For a fact are there real vampires, but they aren?t what Hollywood perceived them to be, nor are they undead creatures of the night.

Perhaps the vampire evolved from it?s myth, or perhaps they were here before us. No one is really quite sure, but again, there are theories. Such as what is written and hypothesized on. Let us begin with the bible or religion. In some texts it is believed that Lilith was the first living vampire. Lilith was also known as the Queen of the night, Lili, Lilu, or the Mother of Demons. Jehovah crafted Lilith, out of mud, as the original wife for Adam. Though her soul was marred and she only spawned evil, then eventually deserted Adam and joined Satan. Though Lilith isn?t considered a vampire, but a succubus.

Next we move onto a very well known vampire. Dracula, or Vlad Dracula. He is also known as Vlad the Impaler, and is very prominent in all Romanian history. Though ancients texts and hundreds of books state and believe that Vlad Dracula was not a vampire, I have found reason to believe otherwise. Prince Vlad Dracula was born around the year 1431 in Sighisora, Transylvania. His father was Vlad Dracul, which meant "Vlad the Dragon". Dracul received his name from the Order of the Dragon., a legion of soldiers which protected Christianity and Easter Europe from the Turks. The "a" at the end of "Dracul" means "son of", so the name "Dracula" means "son of the dragon". Later he was known as Vlad Tepes, meaning "Vlad the Impaler". Supposedly Dracula used to watch , and enjoy many executions from when he was young. Under Dracula?s reign crime eventually became nonexistent. Vlad?s cruelty was not unusual for his time, torture was the normal way of dealing with criminals. Reasons we have to believe Vlad Dracula was a vampire are many. It has been said that often while Vlad had dinner he liked to watch executions in which he ordered, and on occasion, he included the blood of the executed in his meal. It is believed he dipped his bread into the blood. Though I found two direct descendents of Vlad Dracula?s blood line, who wish to remain anonymous; I will call them K and L. Each told me stories of their ancestor and both concluded that Vlad Dracula was a mortal vampire, and "the Order of the Dragon was a legion of soldiers fighting for Christianity and was a house of vampires", said K. "The house had survived the centuries and still stands today, as well as many other branches of vampire houses from that time era", said L. Yet these vampires aren?t immortal, nor are they undead, or so my sources say.

Though why are these creatures called vampires, and what does this word, which burns a terrified hole into our stomachs, originate from? The word "vampire" wasn?t used until the eighteenth century in English literature. The first documented case of the dead rising to consume blood was written in the twelfth century by William of New burgh. He described the creature as sanguisuga which is Latin for "blood sucker". Though in the eighteenth century it (vampire) was used to describe a horrific case reported in Medvenria, Serbia, describing an incident about a man known as Arnold Paole. It is believed that the word evolved from the Serbian word ?vampir? and the Russian ?upyr?. Before it was known as vampire in English literature the vampire in eastern Europe was known as ?Nosferatu?. Although different classifications were given to individual types of vampire. A scientist trying to justify the mass hysteria of vampire cases, from the seventeenth century to the early nineteenth century, in eastern Europe believed it could be a disease known as porphyria. The condition porphyria is also known as the vampire disease because of it?s symptoms. "Porphyria can result in bodies inability to make hemoglobin, the part of the blood that makes oxygen. Without Hemoglobin, the disease can cause chemicals to build up under the skin making the person extremely sensitive to sunlight."says Jill Burcum (pg 123). Other symptoms include: excessive hair growth on the face, hands and legs and cause teeth and eyes to develop a reddish hue.

Though the vampire isn?t prominent just in eastern Europe. There are beliefs of vampires all over the world: in India and it?s surrounding countries, China and the Pacific, Africa, and North and South America. Most or all of these countries had their own belief in the supernatural or the paranormal. In Hindu religious texts is a particularly vicious species of vampire, called the raksahis. Those creatures were described as having five legs , fangs, and bodies soaked in blood. To add to these creatures vampiric traits they often lived in graveyards and are described in many texts as blood drinkers. In China resides the myth of the Chiang-Shih, a vampire with strong resemblances of the modern vampire myths of today. The Chiang-Shih was supposedly created when a person died of a horrific or immoral death. Thus the soul could not rest and it would return as the Chiang-Shih, or a vampire. Like modern vampire myths the Chiang-Shih could be warded off by garlic, running water, and fire could destroy it. Though instead of the chiang-shih rising from the grave at night it is believed that it would have to somehow escape the grave before it was buried. In Africa it is believed that vampires were living witches called Obayifo. It?s believed that the Obayifo could leave her body at night, astrally, and feed off the blood of it?s sleeping victims. In South America we find yet another living vampire called the Asema. Like the obayifo this was a sorcerer whom could leave his or her body at night. In North America there is no prominent vampire folklore in the area. "The Native American Indians, who were the earliest verifiable inhabitants of the continent, have little or no mention of vampires or the undead in their folklore. It is safe to assume that the first vampire beliefs (and maybe vampires) probably came to North America with the settlers", Konstantinos (pg 33). There are many, many more, but these myths were the most relevant of the rest and tied with the vampire, we all know, the most.

As mentioned before there are four main types of vampire, both real and myth. They are as listed : immortal blood drinkers, mortal blood drinkers, unintentional psychic vampires, and intentional psychic vampires. The immortal blood drinkers are those described and characterized in religions and ancient texts. These vampires are ones which authors and screen writers use their works as well. Though not much strong evidence throughout history is given as to whether these vampires exist or not. Immortal vampires are the least likely to exist and, again little information is given to prove their existence. Though there are three other types of vampire which exist today. As I mentioned before Vlad Dracula was a mortal vampire. A mortal blood drinker or mortal vampires is a person who needs blood to sustain their health and aren?t immortal in any way. Unintentional psychic vampires psychic vampires who are unaware of their vampirism which makes them most dangerous out of all living vampires. They have no control of the energies they take making them the most harmful. Last, but not least out for the four are the intentional psychic vampires. This is a person who needs psychic energies constantly to sustain their health. These are people who know about their vampirism and can control how much they feed, or how much energy their body consumes. Later I?ll go into how these vampires feed, and by what means they take their energies.

Though there are still many unsolved cases of vampirism today, Some of these cases are mortal blood drinkers and others may just be clearly insane. Lets begin with a man mentioned earlier, named Arnold Paloe. Arnold Paloe was a Serbian soldier who lived in the early 1700s. While alive Paole witnessed some gruesome occurrences and later admitted as to have been attacked by a vampire. After attempting methods of curing himself of the vampire disease; he had dies after a fall from a hay wagon and was buried. A month after his death the townspeople began reporting that people began reporting that Paole was attacking them at night and four victims eventually died. Hunters decided to dig up the supposed vampire and they found Paole?s body undecayed, his skin and nails fallen off with new ones in their place and streams of "fresh blood had flowed from eyes, nose, mouth, and ears; that the shirt, the covering, and the coffin were completely bloody", Paul Barber (pg 93). According to hunters Paole let out a groan and blood erupted from his chest when a wooden stake was lodged into his heart. Paole never bothered anyone again. Though this case seems to be of an immortal vampire, this next one might as well just be made into a movie one day. Fritz Haarman, born in Germany in 1879, went into the military after a rough childhood. For someone as disturbed as Haarman it was a surprise he did so well in the military. After having medical problems he was discharged from the military and soon after went back to openly hating his father and child molesting. Sometime around 1917, Haarman met a male prostitute names Hans Grans, who would later become as much a vampiric fiend as Haarman. Haarman and Grans would later bring young males to their home, dine them, and feast from their necks, once the victims became tired, until the victims died. Haarman and Grans were later accused of killing twenty seven males and later admit to hiding the bodies by chopping them up and selling them as beef in the local meat markets. When Haarman confessed to the crimes he became known as "the vampire of Hanover", and was sentenced to death. At his own request, he was decapitated in a public execution in 1925. Hans Grans would go on to serve only twelve years in jail.

Though there are many people who aren?t insane, these are real vampires, psi or psychic vampires. Unintentional and Intentional vampires fall into this category. Though unintentional aren?t aware of their vampirism, international?s are very much aware. Intentional?s; are much more award of the world around them and often seem paranoid around large crowds. The second type of real vampire is the sanguine or blood vampire. Where psi vampires can be dangerous to others; if sang vampires aren?t careful they can harm themselves and would contract a blood related disease.

Yet, if there are real vampires wouldn?t the world know about them? Most of the world does know yet real vampires aren?t immortal, they don?t kill people, and aren?t affected by silver, garlic, and crosses in any way. A real psi vampire is a normal person with en energy deficiency in their astral body. The astral body is the mental/spirit body which resides in the physical body, which it uses as it?s host. So this energy deficiency is caused by the astral body having it?s own astral leak, causing it to leak energies which are vital for human life. In order to get this energy back the psi vampire takes energies, or "feeds" from other people?s astral bodies to sustain itself. A sanguine or sang vampire has the same deficiency, yet it?s more closely related to Porphyria and the vampire can?t make it?s own hemoglobin very well. Though this vampire takes it?s energies by means of blood or ?life force?.

Yet how are these beings possible? Well the answer has been contemplated , time and time again. Many believe that a person can become a vampire though it is more common to hear a person say you are born one. The latter of the two seems to be more accurate, the vampire gene is passed on through blood. Depending if there is a normal person who conceives a child with a vampire, then odds are the vampire gene will skip a generation. It?s based mainly around dominate and recessive genes. Yet others theorize and say that you are either born a vampire, or can become one. "Children who are either pampered or who have a cold, or distant relationship with a parent are prone to psychic vampirism. Also, certain personality characteristics such as identity conflict, a poor self-image, and deep-seated insecurity and inferiority are common in psychic vampirism among both sexes", Joe Slate (pg 75). It has also been said that a person can just train their astral body to psi feed, though it really wouldn?t be considered vampirism like a blood drinker would just be considered a fetishist.

Though real vampires may be different, that doesn?t quite mean that they are immortal, nor do they sleep in coffins. Real vampires can be anyone. Though recently vampires have been accepting their ?true nature? and have begun to dress the part. Though stereotypical, a vampire will normally dress in all black, renaissance and or Victorian period clothing. What is considered ?Goth? keeps a vampire happy and at peace with him or herself. Not all vampires dress in black and play upon their nocturnal nature though, on the contrary many vampires just try and live as normal a life as possible. Mostly to try and fit in because of the constant fear of feeling different or like a ?freak?.

Real vampires are real people, they must go to school, go to work, and pay bills just like everyone else. Yet they have a few problems to live with such as sunlight. Even though sunlight doesn?t fry a vampire into a bubbling puddle of ash and goo, doesn?t mean the sun still doesn?t hurt. Vampires are less sun tolerant and most stay out of the sun as much as they can. The sun UV?s have a massive effect on vampires, which can cause large rashes or even worse, skin cancer. Most vampires try and wear sunglasses at all times of the day and tend to wear long sleeves to protect their skin in the summer. Another thing a vampire must deal with is the constant task of feeding. If a vampire doesn?t feed it could get sick or could even die. Sang vampires feed by using a sterile lancet and normally don?t take anymore than a tablespoon of blood from its donor and must feed at least once daily. A donor is a person who donates his or her blood to the vampire community to help in whatever way they can. Psi vampires can set their astral body to feed themselves automatically, though they can also feed whenever they feel like it by using their astral body as a sucking mechanism or a vacuum type thing to feed. Psi vampires also have astral tendrils which enable the vampire to be able to feed from a distance.

However real vampires aren?t without their abilities, yet they aren?t like the ones in the movies. They possess small abilities, such as precognition. Normally a vampire can see or do something before it happens, it?s a sort of way to ?predict the future? so to speak. Along with precognition a vampire normally has empathy and telepathy as well. Empathy is a way of feeling or ?reading? another persons emotions and feelings. Often times a vampire feels others emotions so much that it causes a vampire excessive mood swings until he or she is alone. Telepathy is another ability, but sometimes can get as annoying as empathy and the vampire must bear with it as well. Telepathy is the ability to see what other people are thinking, or the ability to ?read minds?. Anyone can develop this ability, in fact it isn?t just a vampire thing. A vampire can develops psychic abilities naturally or they can develop them in a quarter of the time it takes a normal person to develop.

Most vampires respect normal people, and often times envy them. To show respect often times a vampire will follow the ?13 rules of the community? better known as ?The Black Veil?. The Black Veil are 13 rules and guild lines about feeding, who they should tell about their vampirism, discretion, and more. Yet there are others who are not vampire and follow these ?rules? and are normally blood donors for vampires. The vampire community calls these people ?Black Swan?. Yet there are other vampires who ?absolutely hate? the Black Veil and want nothing to do with the vampire community, these people are called ?Rogues?. A rogue is a real vampire who doesn?t associate themselves with the ?popular? vampire community and prefers to be alone or with one or two others like his or herself.

There are real vampires in the world, though they aren?t the night walking creatures of the undead as Hollywood and movies have made them. They are everyday people with a bit of a ?disorder?. However they choose to deal with it is up to them. A vampire could be anyone, even standing next to you right now, standing next to you at a bus stop or even applying makeup in the restroom standing next to you. No one is really sure who a vampire could be, but other vampires can tell who their kin is and pick another vampire out from a crowd. Thus vampires exist and in the words of Konstantinos, "Remember, for those with open minds, there are always new discoveries to be made.

Even if they are of ancient things...

such as vampires...

Arivs / Tournament registration
« on: January 06, 2005, 11:25:03 AM »
Death Can Dance (DcD)

Arivs / first arivs fenomen
« on: December 31, 2004, 09:45:33 AM »
i bet u most know of who i am talking of

GodSpire General / hub/Mort
« on: December 28, 2004, 01:51:05 PM »
to remove all doubts and to tell that Hubba isnt going to quit nwn here s some proof :P

Arivs / clan tournament
« on: December 27, 2004, 05:57:03 AM »
i was thinking to bring some of the clans/ guilds back up and active and to organize a new event in arivs.
The best way to do that is holding a clan tournament. U all wondering , whats that ??
well, each clan and guild that participate with this should choose 1 representive from theyre clan (they do best to take their best player)
then we hold a litle tournament against each other.
How we do that?
Well i was thinking about an innocent hand(me) blindly draws wich clan fight wich, the winner of the battle goes on to the semi half/half/ finals.
well in this stage it only an idea, can u let me know here if u like it or not and if ur clan is willing to participate.

this way i can work things better out qua date , time , rules ,etc...

Current List of Rules:

1.Level 40 clan battle

2.clans are responsible of having 3 players their on the date,if only 2 show up they have to fight with 2 vs 3

3.since its 3vs3 clans dont have to register their champions names, but they do have to register here whether they will participate or not.

4.interference from outside of any kind will make the batle to be replayed. If a clan member interfere in the duel that clan will be dispatched.

5.referring to max idea: people who do wanna join but arent in any group or clan can make a small group of 3 for the tournament. but they have to give it a name and register the name before the deadline.  


Registered Clans
[ol type=\'1\'][li]DcD [/li][li]Brujah[/li][li]Doriath[/li][li]Antes[/li][/ol]

GodSpire General / wow
« on: December 25, 2004, 04:26:28 AM »
well guess i am the first 1 who topic Lod, it looks so empty without...
u guys are growing pretty fast, nice

GodSpire General / to doriath
« on: November 08, 2004, 12:17:03 PM »
well bcuz u did last doriath meeting in antedilluvians serevr Gwydion made , specially for u, doriath people , a secret place for doriath
he gave pang and hubba the keys for it, and he has 1 too (for testing)

attached to the secret place is a meeting room (check that out, realy cool :P)

hope u guys appreciate what gwydion did, i think it cost him some time too to make

and if some more of doriath need keys too it pass me the names then

xx mort

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