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Topics - c r a n e_osl

Pages: [1]
GodSpire General / A Suggestion?
« on: August 05, 2004, 12:42:35 PM »

 Well I guess this can be better phrased as a question. Is there something that can be done about the nasty lagg experienced when say....about 20 ppl are on the server? Perhaps creating off-shoots for the main Pvp area? Maybe sharing servers and capping ppl at 16 each?

 Anyways, it gets so bad sometimes one can hardly duel. I have lost a couple that way with lag spikes.

 Finally, I want to thank all the peeps that have made my entrance into GS (after playing NWN for 2 years enjoyable), Wudan, Talon, Raven, Nate, Nehu, BatnTheHat, and many more...

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