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Messages - Calia

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WoW General / Re:
« on: May 19, 2010, 02:47:34 PM »
There is the high probability that it is a scam directed to steal your WoW account information if you happened to have an account. as I had received a similar e-mail and responded to it as I was not playing wow at the time, and my account was taken and sold. I reclaimed my account months later when I realized what had happened but it has become bad enough to where these things are being sent via whispers while in game as well from people pretending to be GM's


General Gaming / Re: Dragon Age
« on: March 24, 2010, 11:50:27 AM »

There's a pretty nasty bug in Dragon Age Awakening.  Make sure to create a special save point before entering the Silverite Mine, and do not overwrite it.  This will make sure you do not lose too much time if you encounter the bug.

Information about the bug can be found (SPOILER WARNING) here

Any idea if this has been fixed through updates or not yet?

This is why I don't download any DLC for DA until about a week I learned after Return to Ostegar came out and screwed with my chars Specilizations and such


General Gaming / Re: Dragon Age
« on: February 07, 2010, 04:08:36 PM »

General Gaming / Re: Dragon Age
« on: January 18, 2010, 06:04:30 PM »
Good luck with the friendly fire Mo lol its amazin how quickly you can blow your party to pieces with fireball :( ( trust me I know started elf mage) the only time to get blood mage is in redcliff with the demon to my knowledge and if you do be ready for bad things again just as a warning save before you do it that way you can reconsider your choice lol ( again something I learned the hard way)

If I could figure out the DA char posting thing I would link mine like Mo did but like Hell im playing the 360 version and everytime I play it tells me it cant connect to the storage server -shrugs-

oh and I have a dalish rogue as well and let me tell you there is nothing more satisfying than running through broken circle and shooting a mage with my bow for 261 damage with slaying arrow and getting the heavy hitter achivment lol


Computer stuff / Re: Okay I give up.....
« on: November 01, 2009, 08:34:27 PM »
There's not much we can suggest without seeing them ourselves, to be perfectly honest.

The most you can do is keep at it, and I mean that; because it takes something to break before you can learn how to fix it. Even if in the end you cannot fix it, you may still learn from it. As frustrating and painful a process it may be, that is what my experience has been.

I am only so efficient at routing out viruses from having had them in the first place. The same applies in other areas of computer malfunction.

Oh I know don't get me wrong I am all for figuring things out and learning and I understand I didn't post a lot of information to start with I was just really really frustrated and tired when I made that post which sadly hasn't changed much still yet and wont until i get feeling better :(

let me try and supply you with more info off the top of my head seeing as I am not at home.

the first laptop I know it is dead it is a HP pavilion dv6000 series and on boot has 1 long beep and three short beeps ( letting me know my graphics card is dead and it is inter-graded so mobo is now dead ) the HDD in it has a hook up that I have never seen before as it oddly hooks into pins mounted on the mobo or some craziness so I have been trying to find out if there was just away for my to gain access to the HDD to get some data and unreplacable pics of family.

the second laptop is a dell inspiron 8200 ( I think) and it had an issue that it would boot 0.5 second blue screen and reboot and continue this process until powered off. I killed the OS partition to do a fresh install ( nothing of value was stored on the laptop thankfully) and my dell installation disc decided to start throwing random errors at me :( mainly it has to do with several files not being able to be copied I continued the installation without files and it booted up, at this point I thought I would be good on getting replacement files and such but a log-in box appeared ( it than dawned on me it didn't ask me to set up users) and it was listed as Administrator i tried every password i could think of Admin, Administrator, password left it blank and nothing and I tried variations of those words as well so I'm sitting on that one atm just trying to get it up and running its mainly only used for web browsing anyways.

the last is the desk top  I have been using it is a Compaq I have no idea on the model as it is not mine.
  worked fine up until this morning I hit the power button and get one long beep a pause and the same long beep a pause and so on and so forth.
  I once got it to display a error message stating that the CPU fan had failed and it was powering off and it did so I unhooked the CPU fan unplugged it pulled it out cleaned it with air and such re-spliced a already spliced section of its wiring ( don't ask as I have no clue why) and re-installed it
  I left the case off hit the power button same beep but!!!!! the CPU fan ran the whole time? ( is it not suppose to stop spinning if its failed?) but I noticed the PSU fan just kinda sitting there wanting to spin but not being able to. so I thought maybe it was that pulled it cleaned it no idea if it is or not and googling the beep code ( if that was what it even is) turned up no results with PSU or CPU
that is all the farther I got before I had to come to work ( which is where I am now) if it is the PSU is there anything I need to know about replacement besides that its a AMD MoBo and the old PSU is a 350wat. and I think the connecting pin to the mobo is only a 4pin connection though I could be wrong trying to picture it in my head.


Looks like it's almost time for a new laptop :)

I don't think so laptops are nothing but a pain in my behind I have no reason for one until I go back to school and than I may just get a mini so I want be so distracted to do other things besides use it to take notes and such. :P


Computer stuff / Re: Okay I give up.....
« on: November 01, 2009, 01:11:06 PM »
Okay with a bit more tinkering seeing as google was worthless I finally get it to go to a boot screen only to tell me the cpu fan stoped working and shut itself down

so at least I know what is wrong I guess :S

second update after soem tinkering again I have come to find that the cpu fan is running fine as i booted without the case covering the computer to see but the psu fan is sputtering about....


Computer stuff / Okay I give up.....
« on: November 01, 2009, 12:58:50 PM »
Okay so I give up nothing seems to be going right and and can't wrap my mind around it. 3 out of 5 computers in my house are no out of commission  and I can't seem to fix them I don't know if I'm still suffering from the flu or what ever but I find my self frustraited and ready to just throw the machines out the window rather than look at them for another moment.

I have two laptops both down

First laptop I know is beyond repair as it is a graphics card issue and its intergraded on the mobo ( though if anyone can tell me if there is a way to access the HDD I would apprieciate it)

Second Laptop something went wrong couple of days ago and it started rebooting itself in on start up a blue screen flashed so fast I couldnt see what it would say and reboot I started a reinstall of the OS only for my instalation disk to for some reason not work so i get my hands on just an iso install and try that and find out that my key wont work .... this prolly has somthing to do with it being a dell laptop but than I try another key off a dead computer and still no go so yeah

and the newest the computer I borrowed untill I can get my new one built or purchased the one I play Guildwars is now no longer booting I turned it off last night before I went to bed came out around 11:30 this morning hit the power key only to recive one long beep and than nothing and it repeats one long beep every few seconds no graphics display no anything else

so relizing I am no cursed with tech. I turn to some one who might have a working brain and a bit more patients than I can seem to muster right now


General Gaming / Re: Dragon Age "Limitations"
« on: October 27, 2009, 05:45:53 PM »
Yup I have operation, The Pitt and broken steel though my xbox is acting strange I had to send mine out and they sent me another one back and i had to re-dl all my dlc and it was freezing up alot and I have ahd to re-dl the stuff 4 times now with cache wipes and such so idk what is wrong with it broken steel is the first one i downloaded >.> i baught a disc that had ancorage and the pitt on it :S


General Gaming / Re: Dragon Age "Limitations"
« on: October 27, 2009, 09:05:15 AM »
maybe for the xbox considering besides L4D and band games like GH and RB I really dont have much to play on there as I am holding off on playing through Fallout3 again seeing as I finished the main story unexpectedly yeasterday even though I was told because of the expansions I had it wouldnt end after the main story .... >.<


General Gaming / Re: What is everyone playing
« on: October 26, 2009, 08:43:41 PM »
That's funny Mo I keep missing you by 12 hours.  I whispered Calia but you didn't respond.  I'll be on tonight and tomorrow but not Wednesday.

Oh and Calia there's not much we can do to help you until you get out of Pre-Searing, the tutorial area where you start, unless we make a new character.  But to expedite that area just do the quest to gain a second class, pick a second class and then talk to the NPC near the gate in the city.  If you're going monk, elementalist is a good secondary because of its energy management skills.

Chances are I didn't even see the whisper lol still getting use to the setup and what not I will try to be on msn next time so you can buzz me there to get my attention lol
I was torn between Monk/Mesmer and Monk Elem the issues im seeing though is I dont fully understand how to gain new spells and such short of talking to random trainers all over the place which than makes it difficult for me to know where to put my skill points ( Calliandra my elem starts has flare and such but I enjoy lightening and ice spells in most games so me putting points into them seems pointless as i have no knowledge of when those spells will become avilable to me)

 as for my monk which will rapidly become my main char because I just love the look and well feel of the char I guess I could cross to Elem for energy managment unless  I find something really neat about mesmer I dont completely understand how the 2 profession thing works because I have not yet taken on so I supose that will become clearer as I play more I should be on more tomorrow October 27 2009 :P some time during the daytime and maybe at night as well I have played through alot of the starting area if I wuld only reach level 6 as I am now level 5 with half a bar to go to 6!


General Gaming / Re: What is everyone playing
« on: October 26, 2009, 08:24:52 AM »
I will be off and on through out the day's and such I work allot at night (3:00p.m. to 12:00 a.m.EST) so my times are gonna be a bit odd until I get use to that

Plus I'm looking at going back to school as soon as I can figure out what to do with my life :S sad it seems like the military and jr. high schools are the only place that still offer some type of aptitude testing so im suffering with where to direct my knowledge as random and some slightly useless random knowledge that I may possess

So yeah may be on some today I'm exhausted and may just veg. out if you see me on msn rather it be via my 360 shoot me a quick IM chances are im laying on the couch watching a movie or something of that nature but would like to get on to met up with some one :)


General Gaming / Re: What is everyone playing
« on: October 25, 2009, 01:03:25 PM »
okie I have two characters made one mainly for learning the game slowly with my roomy that is my monk ( Syleah Felrei)

the char I will be playing alot and would love to meet up with all of you is ready for it ( Calliandra Kanrei) :P

I have you three added to her friends list or my friends list or how ever it works ^_^

General Gaming / Re: What is everyone playing
« on: October 24, 2009, 11:35:21 PM »
Okie so I am playing Guildwars ^_^ and I enjoy it now I just need to learn the machanics of it I looked at the build page and sadly it makes no sense to me at all lol so im looking at two primary chars a monk and a Elemintalist now I know they can be mixed but wasnt sure if it was worth it or not so any suggestions would be awsome. I only have the first game goty edition atm ( didnt have enough money to get the trilodgy pack :( ) but i did net soem fancy items i guess and a imp lol for it ^_^

so yeah help me teach me ^_^


General Gaming / Re: What is everyone playing
« on: October 23, 2009, 08:47:14 PM »
Thats cool ^_^ yeah WoW though came out with a duel talen spec that you payed for once adn you could switch it and equipment on the fly which was great for classes like the druid so they could switch between DPS and Healing but pointless for Mages IMO as either way your DPS just depends on situations lol

gonna have to figure out what type of mage im gonna play
I tend to favor lightening or Ice ^_^ just because i like lightening and ice lol


oh and I will think about gonna see if I can even get into it before i use up someones trial key ^_^

General Gaming / Re: What is everyone playing
« on: October 23, 2009, 01:55:55 PM »
O.O 4 more classes the web site wasn't overly friendly on setup wise or classes though I am use to the WoW site where you can sit down and hammer out a char before even playing the game lol.

I'm gonna go check to also see what the specs are gonna be for GuildWars 2 zeeing as most will be moving over to that game when it is relased


General Gaming / Re: What is everyone playing
« on: October 23, 2009, 11:19:49 AM »
Cool I jsut grabed the Guildwars trial version if I like it I may pick up a full version and expansions and if my current computer meets specs untill new one is built mabye guildwars two if everything pans out well ^_^ will be trying it tonight I hope so wish me luck with that and any pointers welcome hehe

oh okie for those who know me and have a normaly understanding of my playstyle

Elemintalist - these seems to be the mage class of nuke and run becasue your squishy up close and a large piece of artillery in the back ground

monk - I understand that this is a healing spec class does it have any offense or all def. and healing ?

Roomie grabed it as well so she will more likely play ranger

also dose this run in domains servers realms how does the split up work ? for where everyone is incase I try to find some one stilll playing?

General Gaming / What is everyone playing
« on: October 22, 2009, 10:05:13 AM »
So yeah I seem to be coming back from the dead again randomly with random questions and blurbs and than will prolly disappear as my mind dosnt seem to stay focused for very long though I will admit my last disappearance was because I was sick of computer games and was addicted to Fallout 3 on my 360 lol but anyways

So what is everyone playing these days I see topics on GW and Diablo 2 but was wandering if thats where everyone is hanging out at ^_^.

I have diablo 2 and have put in many many hours and am not overly looking to go back to the PvP enviroment it presents unless they have done somthing about hackers, hexors and so on and there is legit PvP some where.

I have no experiance at all with GW honistly stayed away from it because its title has me picturing it as alot of PvP action

I use to play WoW and may get back into it because I like questing raiding and you know doing things with the guild and such

So untill The Old Republic is released and seeing if its gonna be worth the purchase or not ( I hope so it is Bioware) I Tend to play games with my roomies right behind me which makes for a more intresting experince as to have empty soda bottles thrown at your head when you screw up ^_^ but would as like if there was anything out there that offers the RP experiance that seems to have died in all games since NWN

So what are ya playing out there and what keeps you playing  it ^_^


Computer stuff / Re: Looking to get new computer so suggestions please!
« on: October 22, 2009, 09:47:15 AM »
Wow that is a lot of info for my brain on 3 hours of sleep lol. I do happen to have one junked PC sitting here that i can take a look at was a friends comp. which I couldnt save from its un-timely demise at the hands of a fried motherboard.

I will be using windows 7 and may be back in school (as long as College students count) by the time i get money around to get this thing built so i can shell out 40 bucks for an OS and not break regret it

I had planed on getting to know linux system as my home network is starting to grow in size and number of PC's I have been toying with the idea of putting together a backup server type thing running Unix ( I think its called)

Mounting the MoBo is my biggest worry with building the new PC next to mounting the CPU but you said that one is not as hard as it seems and what is AS5 thermal gel ( I know what thermal gel is just wandering if there is a brand I should get a tube of)

Placing cards and HDD and drives and so on is cake so no worries about that I will look into a TB of HDD space ( who would have thought just a few short years ago I remember finding myself wandering why the hell would a home user need that much memory, and I still find my self wandering because I have not yet even filled  the 250gb I have :S but I have alot of thigns spread out on multiple PC's 350gb( nearly 100gb of this is taken by WoW and my OS and Anti-virus lol) in the one I use to run apps and games currently, 120gb + 250 external on the one as a file sharing backup server, 160gb on room mate's PC

Back on mounting the MoBo just really quick I know the Case im looking at has the wholes preset for many diffrent MoBo types is that half the battle or will I learn what im looking for by striping an old PC?

umm yeah I know I have more questions but cant think straight atm and have rambled on enough I think


Putting a computer together is pretty easy.  I'm sure Calia can handle it.

I like to think of myself as a capable computer person and normally that has prove some what true I just get worried when dealing with allot of parts that I wouldn't have the money to replace and while I may have taken some basic computer certifaction courses in school they no where nearly covered things like MoBo mounting and such mainly just how to deal with and change a PSU :S...something about making sure we didn't kill ourselves in the process thing

again rambling

Computer stuff / Re: Looking to get new computer so suggestions please!
« on: October 21, 2009, 08:27:07 PM »
Sorry, I haven't replied to this part of the topic yet, I was being lazy and not wanting to actually suggest something useful.

I'm not going to list what I think you should have in the way of specs or blah blah. You said you wanted it affordable, and what you got there looks fine and must already be good with you, instead I'm just going to recommend, or not recommend, certain brands and whatnot.

Your List:
EVGA P55 LE Motherboard - $169.99
Intel Core i7 920 Processor - $279.99
OCZ PC3-10666 Platinum RAM - $95.99
Seagate Barracuda 7200.10 750GB Hard Drive - $64.99
EVGA GeForce GTX 260 Core 216 Superclocked Video Card - $199.99
EVGA GeForce 9600 GSO Video Card - $69.99
CoolerMaster HAF 932 Full-Tower Case - $139.99 (really love this case cheesy)
Ultra LSP750 750-Watt Power Supply - $69.99

Motherboard and Processor look good to me, and OCZ has been releasing quality for awhile now, especially in the RAM department. Seagate used to be one of my faves, but I'd change that to a Western Digital. Seagate has been up and down with their products for awhile now... not sure what's going on there. No problems with the video cards, though I'd personally go with ATI, but either way you can get some good cards. Cases... I could build a computer in a well ventilated box and be happy, so long as it had the proper protection. I don't like the PSU... to be honest... that was one of the first things I looked at and probably the only reason I'm making this post. lol. I would definitely recommend a different brand. Maybe something from Corsair or FSP Group... those are usually some quality power supplies; I'd always use Sparkle back in the day... Like I said, OCZ is a good brand too, I haven't tried their PSU's though, but I wouldn't be afraid of trying them either. Something like this would be perfect, though admittedly a little more costly than the one you've got listed:

Goddamn... Newegg has a good deal going on that right now... I almost want to buy it just because. lol.

Anyway, just my opinion, take it as you will.

Also, I didn't see any DVD drives on your list, so unless you already got one, it might be good to remember one. As for the monitor, I've been satisfied with Asus, but I also like Acer. So those would be my recommended brands.

Oh that's fine lol and I was thinking of switching out to the card Mo had suggested possibly two but one to at least start with and thanks for the heads up with the PSU that sale is nice i may pick it up as soon as I get my first paycheck ^_^ just started working at a news paper hehe working 3 - midnights >.> and once i have that i wont have and excuse not to build from ground up than i will just have to suck it up and buy windows 7 out right which im strange in I dont want to spend alot on a OS but dont mind a higher price on parts lol >.<

so after i check to see what my checks are gonna be like will be the deciding factor in how i go about getting this thing than we just have to pray i can put it together as I have never mounted a mother board processor or well the only things I have done is psu and normal card and drive replacement :S


Computer stuff / Re: Looking to get new computer so suggestions please!
« on: October 21, 2009, 08:01:36 AM »
From what I have been hearing Windows 7 is pretty much what vista was supose to be and failed to live up to. sadly most machines are shiping with windows 7 now. I dont have vista never have used vista short of setting up a laptop for a friend and have never heard a single good word about vista besides oh look at the pretty moving backgrounds.

as far as dell goes i have never had an issues as long as you take care of your machine -shrugs- I have a dell desktop that is coming up on its 12 year mark and is runnign just fine keeping in mind I have not placed any upgrades in it i use it to host folders and music across the 5 networked computers in the house.

as far as airflow goes that is one of my primary concerns I live in a house the 4 cats and a dog ;) hence the case I posted had
3 x230mm gans and a 140mm fan all inclouded + its alot of mesh for airflow and it has a set up for a water cooling system which I have no idea how to set up lol

and seeing as I have never built a PC from the ground up I wasnt sure what to look for and such so yeah I see more debate on dell and alienware than how that first post of a build might work here are some suggested parts or those parts wont work to geather you you pain in the A$$ find somthign diffrent :P


Computer stuff / Re: Looking to get new computer so suggestions please!
« on: October 20, 2009, 07:47:50 PM »
I have always used Nvida so the thought of getting an ATI card never really crossed my mind till you mentioned it lol.

ASUS Radeon HD 5770 Video Card - 1GB GDDR5, PCI-Express 2.0, CrossFireX Ready, Dual DVI, Display Port, HDMI - $169.99

is that the one you are talking about? and if you think Alienware is garbage make a suggestion dont just slam it and not give me a back up solution :P

I wouldnt mind making the monthly payments to order thorugh dell but in the end I would end up paying more but I would have my new PC sooner as well :S even though im still very much in love with the specs on the case from my first post

CoolerMaster HAF 932 Full-Tower Case there is a link to it and a sweet video to display some features ^_^

so im still open to suggestions I just started my new job last week so im still waiting on my first paycheck and such so after i get caught up on my bills this will become my top saving/ investment! :)

Computer stuff / Re: Looking to get new computer so suggestions please!
« on: October 20, 2009, 04:20:58 PM »
I took a look the Dell XPS 9000 is a decent setup I made a couple small changes.

Intel® Core™ i7-920 processor(8MB L3 Cache, 2.66GHz)
Genuine Windows® 7 Home Premium, 64bit, English
6GB Tri-Channel DDR3 SDRAM at 1066MHz - 6 DIMMs
500GB 7200 RPM SATA Hard Drive
Dual Drives: 16x DVD-ROM Drive + 16x DVD+/-RW w/ dbl layer write capable
21.5 inch Dell S2209W Full HD Widescreen Monito
ATI Radeon HD 4350 512MB
Integrated 7.1 Channel Audio
Logitech G15 Gaming Keyboard

Total Price: 1,384  -  42 a month which I can afford

now the nearest computer shop to me is bestbuy :S so I still may order a Graphics Card off Newegg or TigerDirect

And should I look at EVGA GeForce GTX 260 Core 216 Superclocked Video Card - $199.99 or .eVGA Geforce 9800GT 512MB DDR3 PCI-E2.0 HDCP HDTV 512-N973T $125.95

and is the default case what is avilable no pretty lights like Alienwares come with huh?


Computer stuff / Looking to get new computer so suggestions please!
« on: October 19, 2009, 09:18:59 AM »
Hey everyone long time no talk I know but I finally got a new job and stuff so yay money slowly coming back in ^_^ and I have decided to start saving up to build a new computer but I am having some issues with choices to be made.

I don’t wanna spend 3k on a machine
I am not overly sure how to build from ground up though I have the basic idea with the exception on where and how the new multiple processors work and how to place them if it’s any different than a single core machine
Looking for enough power to play games like Left4Dead and Fallout 3 though my major gaming time is dedicated to RPG’s still and looking at the new Star wars mmo The Old Republic ^_^ so I need to be able to run them and if it can handle them it will be fine handling my Photoshop, video and music editing I do as well I figure
I have started some browsing and piecing together a machine via but I’m also questioning getting a Mac…..

EVGA P55 LE Motherboard - $169.99
Intel Core i7 920 Processor - $279.99
OCZ PC3-10666 Platinum RAM - $95.99
Seagate Barracuda 7200.10 750GB Hard Drive - $64.99
EVGA GeForce GTX 260 Core 216 Superclocked Video Card - $199.99
EVGA GeForce 9600 GSO Video Card - $69.99
CoolerMaster HAF 932 Full-Tower Case - $139.99 (really love this case ^_^)
Ultra LSP750 750-Watt Power Supply - $69.99

I have an older 5.1 soundcard on my other desktop that I am debating if it’s worth switching around or not and I also am still in search for a nice LCD monitor thinking 22” or so widescreen HD so on so forth
So that it is all the parts listed are found on it’s based off a barebones kit they are offering with a processor switch on my part so lists suggestions and reasons for suggestions would be awesome


Computer stuff / Re: Need some help not sure what happened!
« on: July 02, 2009, 11:47:10 AM »
Well I have come to find out through browsing HP's main website that my model was on a recall because of a battery heat up issue (dv6000*) could this have been the cause of the issue? if so I will need to contact HP to see if they will cover it right?

I believe my warrenty is up so no go if its not from the recall.

and if all else fails I will have to see if I can take it to bestbuy or something see if they can service it even though I didn't buy the product from them :S


p.s: not sure how much it has been heating up roomy has been the one using it and we were playing WoW on it though that was nearly a month or two ago now and the only thing it has been used for since that time was facebook and e-mail and it hasnt been overly hot in the house with the ac and such on so not sure how else besides the battery mabye that it got hotenough to fry the card.... its a nvida card I cant remember the exact type and an amd processor so not sure if the card is part of the board or if there is a chance it has come loose :S which could be as there is a decent amount of diffrent vibrations agisnt or on the table the laptop was sitting on.

okie now that i have rambled on some more I will wait to see if this changes any options around that were suggested.

again -Cal

Computer stuff / Need some help not sure what happened!
« on: June 30, 2009, 09:30:52 AM »
Most recently ( last night) my laptop that is less than 2 years old decided it would stop functioning properly, When it is powered the lights kickone the fan turns on and so on but the screen remains blank after about 4 seconds there is 1 long beep and than 2 short beeps ( which I know means that there was a video error and the bios could not establish communication or some such crap)

I am using an HP pavillion dv6000 dual core with a nivida graphics card. I cant get any other information considering the screens lack of function

I also tryed connecting my desktops screen to it to see if it was just the laptop screen and same thing black screen 1 long 2 short beeps

any help appreciated


General Gaming / Re: D&D Online: Eberron Unlimited
« on: June 13, 2009, 11:18:48 AM »
I already talked with Mo about it I will give it a shot for a bit when its open from the closed beta, ^_^ my first server on nwn was Slaughter house :P than GS hehe ^_^  then i moved to dragonlance RP server :P

General Gaming / Re: NWN MMO?
« on: June 11, 2009, 01:02:07 PM »
From what I can tell 4e already plays like a video game that is the way they made it so it will appeal to the massive group of gamers out there so system wise it would be easier for them to set it up in a virtual world so to speak so yeah the only problem will come from the story crew and if the expected release date is 2011 im not so sure it will live up to anything at all considering most mmo's that are still running WoW Final Fantasy so on spent alot of years in dev. ....though I supose if its based off forgotten realms as it most likely will be they wont even have to write stories in becasue they can just use old and new existing source data from Wotc pick up a camp. book and copy it over to video game info -shrugs- not sure a big selling point of nwn and nwn2 was the community and user data and creations they will really have to hammer out systems to allow customized armor outfits play style because other wise it endsu p being a WoW clone i mean the RP servers i played on in nwn one played like a MMO pretty much so not really sure what will be accomplished by running it like this and more than likly having a heafty subscription fee every month for players to fork out


GodSpire 2.0 / Re: GodSpire
« on: June 11, 2009, 11:28:19 AM »
-peeks- old school ^_^  -goes back into hiding-

GodSpire General / Re: Looks like Talon has taken down Godspire...
« on: May 05, 2008, 11:47:51 AM »
Im all for SoU dueling ^_^ im still on the worlds laggest connection but I would be there ^_^ I have a couple of my old SoU chars and I think the rest are backed up in a folder some where....along with my orginal pre-sou chars O.O hehe


NwN General / Re: HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« on: April 11, 2008, 11:54:56 AM »
Okie I have a bit of free time at nights after work  and have been spending it on smithold and on Godspire haven when its up *glares at red* so I would love to see more of you all of you what ever hehe so hope to see you all arond


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