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Messages - iceycool56

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 13
Random Ranting / My Picture
« on: June 25, 2005, 12:40:39 AM »
Im doing this all for laughs if you haven't noticed, Viper seems to be the only one who actually started laughing from those pictures posted which is not really what I look like in a formal occasion. I don't wear glasses, I don't carry a pen in my shirt, I pulled my pants up to make the illusion of a nerd more realistic, I don't smile like that on formal occasions, and finally thats not how I wear my hair.
*imagining in my head that you took away the glasses, no pen in the shirt, lowered the pants a little, a casual smile, and a nice hair-do....* nope, still look like a dork

I don't understand why you would even want to create the impression that you're Ad (and I do think it's you), cuz either way I think you are a load of... (finish this sentence in whatever way you want as long as it's negative)

GodSpire General / Me? Gone?
« on: June 20, 2005, 10:28:20 PM »
hahahhahah gotta love shaving. Y cant woman like it hairy lmao. anyway have fun mate, a little sexin will get you right back in the game!
:blink:  :huh:
Wow, I think HeLL was talking about shaving his face.... not down there... wow Viper...  get your mind out of the gutter  :P

General Anime / Naruto
« on: June 19, 2005, 03:54:38 PM »
Hm.. Interesting.. downloading the first 10 episodes now to check it out.. :P
The first 10 eps were good, but things REALLY start picking up at episode 16.

General Anime / Naruto
« on: June 19, 2005, 09:58:35 AM »
So far ive seen all the 139 episodes and the movies... and the movie isnt a intro because Naruto already has his Rasengan power wich he learns in episode 110+ or so.... So the movie lies seperate from the series in a way...
...and Sasuke already knows the Chidori.  i thought naruto learned the rasengan before 110.  like... um... somewhere between... let's just say earlier cuz i don't wanna spoil it for those who haven't seen the series yet

p.s. i'm currently watching Bleach and it rocks!!!  too bad only 36 eps so far

Fun and Games / Awesome RPG Music
« on: June 09, 2005, 10:46:27 AM »
Sure do.  The pinnacle of all FF music: Matoya's Cave Cave.mp3
That was pretty good.  It wouldn't be a FF game without The Prelude.

Fun and Games / Awesome RPG Music
« on: June 09, 2005, 12:13:42 AM »
Well, it has been (takes of shoes and socks to count) uh... 15 years since I last played FF1.

Though I must say, after FF1 I lost all interest in consol RPGs when Clouds of Xeen (Might and Magic 4) and Dark Side of Xeen (Might and Magic 5), 2 games combined to make World of Xeen, came out. I'm just glad FF7 came out on the PC!

lol I was also glad when FF7 for PC came out.  referring to Mo's mention about FF music on iTunes, I actually bought the album from the FF6 game from there as well as Sephiroth's theme - One-Winged Angel.  Anyone got other worthy mentionable FF songs to download?

GodSpire General / just like to show this pic
« on: June 09, 2005, 12:04:44 AM »
heh and that was after we tried absolutely everything to get him out without actually killing him.
when in doubt, kill.  in death we trust

GodSpire General / Circus Maximus
« on: June 09, 2005, 12:03:47 AM »
Doesn't matter anyway. Bug is probably doing it for you by commenting about us and then posting links to the thread all over his site. rofl
lol i know, that's exactly why i didn't do it in the first place

GodSpire General / Circus Maximus
« on: June 08, 2005, 11:58:26 PM »
I'm almost tempted to go to the Blackdog forums and post what Bug said in here.  I was gonna point out that this thread hasn't been active since Mid-April and basically both groups left each other alone and that bug wants to start something up again with the name-calling.  But then I realized I'd be probably be playing along with bug's paranoia about turning his friends against him by making him look bad so I'll refrain myself and let the readers judge for themselves on this.  :)

GodSpire General / King Bus IVIIX , Ruler of All
« on: June 06, 2005, 10:39:50 PM »
I love math, without it... NWN wouldn't exist. But I hate doing math -_- ick.

Calculus is the worse... it killed my love for math.  I was able to tolerate Calc 1; Calc 2 I'm glad I survived, and 3 wasn't really that bad.  I think Bus is trying to harness the power of math to rule over everything.  Maybe he's trying to use derivatives and integrals to make a powerful whacking stick  :o

GodSpire General / King Bus IVIIX , Ruler of All
« on: May 31, 2005, 10:14:25 AM »
A clone army... gee, why does that sound familiar?  Unite, we must, to destroy these copies.

NWN 2 General / GodSpire in NWN2?
« on: May 29, 2005, 09:53:19 PM »
I was one of the people who bought NWN back in the summer of 2002 and it wasn't until the Fall of that year that I first heard of Godspire.  If it existed back then (even though under a diff admin), and it still exists today, then I feel confident I'll see it again after a few months or less when NWN2 comes out.  Godspire is more than just a mod or a server.  it is now a legend and someone out there is bound to continue its legacy.

GodSpire General / Godspire Player online hours
« on: May 07, 2005, 11:16:49 PM »
No one will be seeing me for a while because my monitor has died on me.  I might see if I can steal a crappy one from a family member but I'd like to buy one of those Dell LCDs.

Birthday Forum! / Todays my birthday. /gg
« on: April 24, 2005, 10:52:37 AM »
And.. chaos shall engulf the world. -nods-
Oh, yes, caused by me of course. o.o

-runs about-


Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to Crimmy, Happy Birthday to yooooooouuuuuuuu!!!!!!

GodSpire General / Wm's are noobs
« on: April 24, 2005, 12:39:50 AM »
Uh... did you consider the fact people may consider you a noob because they have no idea who you are and not because of the type of build you are using?


Yea... I made a WM when I was at my peak and no one called me a noob for it.  Or did they...?   :blink:  :unsure:

Clan General / Doriath & password...
« on: April 16, 2005, 10:34:05 PM »
For some reason the regular (not private) doriath forum is passworded :blink: There isnt anyting on there exept a roster, but the password is EBFAST

You've just noticed that now...?  :blink:  :huh:   For the past few months I've been wondering why the regular forum has been passworded

TSoGS / Sent Roster
« on: April 16, 2005, 12:06:07 AM »
Yes, Im wondering myself why Saum is on the sentlist. That fool does not deserve to be a sent, he is on all the time randoming, and acting like a total idiot.

Wow, lots of people got added...
Delly, Ryu, Brior... congratz you guys! who on earth is Saum?  Name sounds familiar but I can't place a character name to that account

GodSpire General / Dungeon
« on: April 14, 2005, 09:20:13 AM »
I believe the frame rate destruction is cause by the kobold commandos..I will modify them and hopefully resolve the issue.

Good job getting to level 2:D

It was a team effort finding level 2.  Props to Ryu, Delly, Cannixx, and Razor

GodSpire General / Dungeon
« on: April 13, 2005, 02:55:26 PM »
1st level dungeon = nice

The idea is so far so good.  The only problem is when the server begins lagging.

GodSpire General / Dungeon
« on: April 11, 2005, 01:17:20 AM »
I think a 10 minute ban would be better, your party can get pretty far ahead of you in 10 minutes time.


Yea, a shorter amount of time would be better.  If i had an hour to kill, i'd go out and hang out with friends or something.  And by that time, I wouldn't even feel like getting back on my comp anymore.  Here's another idea.  These bans shouldn't be actual bans.  It should be like getting banned specifically from the caves and not the server.  Although, that's probably what you guys were already thinking... weren't you?  Cuz you're so smart and all... yea...  :rolleyes:

GodSpire General / Dungeon
« on: April 10, 2005, 11:38:47 PM »
Wouldnt use in clan battles tip the scales just because someone spent a so many hours running around in a cavern?

Isn't that a good thing?  It'd certainly promote more GodSpire gameplay.

GodSpire General / Dungeon
« on: April 10, 2005, 04:35:25 PM »
Good Point, but these will be hard enough to get, an unexperianced player couldnt get them. About dueling with them, it would be obligatory to inform the person you are about to duel, that you are using a 'specialized' weapon. Or maybe we cannot use the duel manager with one equiped and cannot equip one in a duel.

It's actually the experienced players that I am worried about.  Anyone from another server who knows what they're doing can get a group of their friends together to get these items and abuse them later on.

Not everyone is as honorable as you and I are.  I like the idea of not being able to use the Duel Manager if a special item is equipped, but that won't stop experienced troublemakers/randomers from abusing them in the Halls.

GodSpire General / Dungeon
« on: April 10, 2005, 03:59:46 PM »
My only cause for concern regarding these items is what the NWN community will now think of GodSpire.  By distributing these items, some may think we have gone uber.  Perhaps if a script was implemented where these new items cannot be equipped inside the Halls.  This will preserve the idea of Legit and balanced PvP.  Outside the Halls, however, a clan may use these items to help raid a rival clan's area.  This will also help solve the problem of the items getting into the wrong hands and abusing them by attacking newbs if a sentinel is unavailable.

Although I think I have the answer to this question, I'd feel safer if it's said comin from Mo.  These items will just be uber (i.e. higher than the normal 500k) and not hacked, correct?

GodSpire General / Godspire Library
« on: April 08, 2005, 01:17:40 AM »
Just added a poem called "Why Would I Want Anything Else?"

If I get some good feedback, I'll post more poems.  'Till then, I'll hold off and see if people want more.  If I have time, I might make a guide on how to make the basic True Strike AA and WM builds.  Those builds are real easy enough to make but some newbs will still have a bit of difficulty if they're new to NWN and PvP.

GodSpire General / Circus Maximus
« on: April 07, 2005, 12:05:26 PM »
Yo Hank. It's closed down while the album is finished off.
(need to use the server as a sampler).

HOTU wasn't popular. 140 populated areas, 15 custom factions, and
people would just login to the courtyard and whine... "i'm bored".
a new module will be written when i've got the time & inclination.

All the best to you, though.
For those of you that are wondering what happened to CM, the question has been answered.

Random Ranting / Real Life Picture Thread V2.1
« on: April 05, 2005, 01:21:27 AM »
me too.. who was it that posted it before? i forgot the name..
It was either Talon or Mo....

GodSpire General / The return of Calia Kanrei
« on: April 04, 2005, 10:29:43 PM »
:blink:  :o

I saw a ghost... and I don't mean Calia....

GodSpire General / Official Randomer Thread
« on: April 04, 2005, 08:02:40 PM »
Can you provide any details about and him FSK?
PvP Stomping Grounds appears to be a server brought to you by FSK...
IP Address is
CEP required

Random Ranting / Who is the coolest leveler on Godspire?
« on: April 03, 2005, 07:37:50 PM »
I logged onto GodSpire to look through the caves and they're gone! Well so much for that idea. btw I did miss a leveler the one in the CM Embassy

*smacks head*
Completely forgot that the Embassy took over the caves.

anyways, looks like Belog is in the lead!

p.s. where do you find Boris, Mick, and Suzy???

Random Ranting / Who is the coolest leveler on Godspire?
« on: April 03, 2005, 05:13:40 PM »
Maybe I'll go look for him anyways to see if I missed anyone...

Don't bother.... there is nothing down there.  About a year ago, I went down with someone (can't remember who it was, all i know is it was someone from Doriath... BzK?) and we got to the end.  we know it was the end cuz there was a portal.  unfortunately, the portal wasn't functioning yet so we were just stuck down there  :D   anyways, while we were down there and going through every passage, we didn't encounter ANYTHING.  But as I said, that was a year ago so things might've changed.  so if you really want and have lots of time, good hunting! :)

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