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Topics - 420

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Guild Wars Guilds / 420's Guild, featuring Throbblefoot
« on: November 02, 2004, 12:04:14 PM »
Hey everyone, when the next Guild Wars beta is up I'll be remaking *the Culann's Hounds* Guild.

The name "Culann's Hounds" is the name of Throbblefoot's Bros. traditional Celtic band. Their first album has an orange celtic knot over a black background. Check out the picture!



*edit to foil 420's coup attempt*
Also, 25% of the proceeds from the Culann's Hounds CD go to SIDS research, so if you buy, you get great music and help a good cause.

Guild Wars General / Played the Open Beta
« on: November 02, 2004, 01:47:03 AM »
Here is a quote (from me of course) that I posted on
I played an Elementalist/Ranger and Throbble was a Warrior/Monk, both of us got to level 20. We got as far as the Aurora Glade mission, but couldn't beat the very end where you must place 3 crystals without the bad guys doing it first. We tried about 5x before giving up.

Since we couldn't continue the quests we went exploring and eventually made our way to the southern coast south of Lion's Arch! There we found a castle sitting on a plateau above a moat. The castle was guarded by 4 BONE DRAGONS and a level 30 Bone Dragon named "Rotscale"! We were able to take down Rotscale but not the other 4 Bone Dragons.

Four Two Zero's stats:

Level 20 Elementalist/Ranger

Beast Mastery - 1
Marksmanship - 6
Energy Storage - 2
Fire Magic - 12 (+1 from armor)
Earth Magic - 11

Best item:

Pyromancer's Robes of Lesser Fire Magic

Armor: 51
Energy: +5
Fire Resist: 10%
Cold Resist: -10%
Increased Fire Magic

I crafted the Pyromancer's Robes using 36 Bolts of Cloth, 9 Scales and 20 gold. Then I upgraded it with a "Lesser Fire Magic Rune".

Anyway, I plan to pre-order the game so I can continue Beta Testing (starting Nov. 6th)!


Random Ranting / Pfft
« on: October 10, 2004, 12:33:13 AM »
"All right, nobody post in pk-hq on that thred. I'm locking this topic."

Pfft, you can't tell us what to do!


GodSpire General / GodSpire DMs/Sentinels PLEASE READ!
« on: October 09, 2004, 02:16:05 PM »
OK, I have just heard a disturbing discussion on GodSpire. It seems that a someone has been handing out Sentinel Runes to players.

It is never acceptable to give out the Sentinel Rune or the DM Guardian items to players. Mo is the only one with the power to assign new Sentinels, anyone else giving out Sentinel Runes is undermining his authority.

Again, do not give players the Sentinel Rune or the DM Guardian items.

Thanks for your time,

Script Request / 420's Duel Management System
« on: October 06, 2004, 09:27:39 PM »
OK, it's complicated and probably has all sorts of problems, but here is the duel management system I use, altered for anyone to include in their mod.

First, you must have "tag based scripts" enabled.  If your mod was created after HotU then this should be enabled by default. If your mod is older then make sure you put the script "x2_mod_def_load" into the OnModuleLoad event trigger in the module properties.

All of the following scripts have been packed into one .erf file and can be imported into a NWN module:

onmodentduel - Include the lines of this code into your moduels OnClientEnter event trigger.
NOTE: see "OPTIONS" in the script for info on how to give people your duel managing item automatically when they join the server.

exitmod - This script goes in your modules OnClientLeave event trigger

endduel - This script must be named "endduel", doesn't need to be attached to an event

duelitem - This script must have the same name as the tag of the item used to manage duels. (Item must have a Unique Power or Activate Item property to work)
NOTE: See "OPTIONS" in the script to add dueling arenas to the list, the duel managing system will not work unless you enter at least 1 area into the list

exitarea - Put this script in the OnExit event trigger of any areas where dueling is allowed. (The duel will end if one of the duelers leaves the area)

ondeath - Replace the OnDeath module event trigger with this script because Bioware sucks. (also it's needed for the duel managing system)
NOTE: See the "NOTE" for duelitem, you must enter all areas where dueling is allowed.

Good luck,

NwN General / D&D vs. NWN spells
« on: October 01, 2004, 02:36:27 PM »
Alright, I'm starting this thread to discuss the differences between the way specific spells function in 3E Dungeons and Dragons Pen and Paper and Neverwinter Nights.

I got my hands on a list of all the arcane spells from the Player's Handbook and the Tome and Blood book. The list only contains partial descriptions of spells, so if I get something wrong just tell me.

If it seems interesting or fun I will alter the way spells work in Smith Hold (Throbbleserv) to behave more like they do in the official 3E D&D rules.

OK, first spell:

MordenkainenÃ????s Disjunction  (just who is this Mordenkainen guy anyway?)
Level 9 Abjuration

3E description: "Dispels magic, disenchants magic items."

NWN: Dispels magic, lowers magic resist (at least it is suppose to)

Comments: Now, wouldn't it be fun to disenchant your opponents items on GodSpire? This could be real mean to implement, but it could be fun for the Arena in Smith Hold.

Ideas, arguments or ramblings?


NwN General / Online Alignment Test
« on: September 30, 2004, 02:05:16 AM »
In the spirit of RPGing here is a fun little test to find out your alignment. It's all official 3E D&D and can be used to fit an alignment to a new D&D character's personality or you can find out what your alignment is in real life (whatever that is).

Online Alignment Test

I took the test as myself and got Neutral Good! Who would have thought? I always saw myself as a little more Chaotic personaly.


Random Ranting / Who wants a personal space ship?
« on: September 29, 2004, 03:42:44 PM »
So, who is interested in commercial space flight? I know Throbblefoot is!

I'm not a big fan of leaving the old ball-of-mud myself, but some people are into the great black nothing:

Private Space Ship

Buy one today!


GodSpire General / 4th Clan Battle Date/Time
« on: September 26, 2004, 02:31:42 PM »
The date/time for the 4th clan battle will be posted here when Doriath chooses it.


GodSpire General / Results of Clan Battle #3
« on: September 26, 2004, 02:30:03 PM »

Solid Sanek


It was a rough start, and we had a huge server load (45+ players) but we managed to pull it together.

Good job everyone!

Best 3 out of 5

Doriath: 2
Mauraders: 1

ThrobbleServ / Item Property Restriction for Smith Hold
« on: September 25, 2004, 10:48:55 PM »
OK, Lord Elessar dueled someone on Throbbleserv recently. Well, I won't say what happened, but there are now some item property restrictions in Smith Hold.

I mean, this guy was immune to all damage types and level 9 spells and lower using standard item properties from the toolset, it was just silly.


GodSpire General / 3rd Clan Battle Time/Date
« on: September 19, 2004, 08:31:03 PM »
When Mauraders decide on the Time/Date of the 3rd clan battle it will be posted here.


GodSpire General / Results of Clan Battle #2
« on: September 19, 2004, 08:29:36 PM »
Hey everyone, the 2nd Clan Battle is over, with Mauraders winning in a 5v5 battle against Doriath while suffering only one casualty!

Mauraders: Mo, Xen, BzK (Striker), Taarna and Raelius

Doriath: Lady Heaven, Sulluwen, Bionic, Miro Crow (or whatever the hell that name is), Soulkeeper (aka Blood Angel backed out at the last second).

There you have it, check the topic "3rd Clan Battle Time/Date" for news on the next battle:

Best 3 out of 5

Doriath: 1
Mauraders: 1


NwN General / 1.64 patch will add Trogs!
« on: September 16, 2004, 04:05:28 PM »

Looks like the 1.64 patch will have toglodytes! Cool, I been waiting for these stinky dudes since the day NWN came out!

When HotU came out, there was a pre-order bonus mod that included the Sea Hag, Bulette and three Troglodyte creature models.

Sea Hag was released last patch, so it looks like we will have to wait until the patch after 1.64 for the Bulette.


ThrobbleServ / Viewing the server description.
« on: September 14, 2004, 06:27:51 PM »
I just noticed that you can't view the entire server/module description of Throbbleserv from the "Social" menu using "Server Details".

You can view the entire description if you put "Throbblefoot" in your buddies list and use the "Server Details" button on that list.


ThrobbleServ / The Altered Form Kit!
« on: September 14, 2004, 05:58:30 PM »
Hey everyone, Throbble scripted a spiffy new item yesterday for Smith Hold.

It is called an "Altered Form Kit" or "AFK", you can get them free from the guards at the entrance to Smith Hold, Arissa and Mythian, or from Una Frastly's store in the Blunted Edge Tavern.

Whenever you want to go AFK (away from keyboard) just use this item and it will make you incorporeal, immobile and invincible. Simply use the AFK again to return to normal.


GodSpire General / Clan Battle #2
« on: September 11, 2004, 11:58:32 AM »
Quick note: It is incorrect to say that Doriath won the first "war", they won the first "battle". Battles are what you fight to win a war.

OK, Doriath, you won so you get to determine the time/day of the 2nd battle (though it may be delayed until we figure out how to minimize the lag).

When you have decided the time/day, please post it here.

Rule Violations from the last battle

Do not start until I shout "GO".

Please wait in your teams base (don't cross the bridge) until the battle starts.

Don't launch catapults until the battle starts.

If you die and are not resurected you are out. When the server auto-respawns you and a referee hasn't dazed you, please tell a ref you are out or simply return to your clan's base and sit quietly. (no launching catapults if your out!)


GodSpire General / Results of Clan Battle #1
« on: September 11, 2004, 11:38:32 AM »
OK, the official results of the first clan battle between the Mauraders and Doriath:

Winner: Doriath

Despite horrible, horrible lag, Doriath and its supporters turned out in record numbers. Through a thick fog of laggy, laggy lag, Doriath was able to overwhelm the Mauraders and take the first victory.

Now that we have all experienced it, please post your suggestions about how we can improve the conditions of the next battle. One good suggestion was to split the battle up into small groups to minimize lag or even lock GodSpire with a password so only the participants can join.

Thanks to everyone who participated, great effort on both sides!

Best 3 out of 5:
1/0 Doriath


ThrobbleServ / New game to play in Smith Hold
« on: September 09, 2004, 05:04:44 PM »
Hi everyone, in the wake of the surprisingly popular "versus" game I thought I would introduce a new game to the community. It's the "420 can't spell arcane" game!

While visiting Smith Hold/Throbbleserv please take note if you see the word "archane" anywhere and post it here so I can correct the spelling. Unfortunatly I'm a very consistant misspeller and there is not global search and replace for NWN mods.

Thanks to Lord Elessar for pointing it out!


Random Ranting / Evil Genius!
« on: September 09, 2004, 03:53:44 PM »
Ever wonder what it would be like to be Talon?

Wonder no more, the demo for "Evil Genius" is out!!!!


Random Ranting / Results of the "vs." game.
« on: September 07, 2004, 02:10:33 PM »
So Throbblefoot, Cuchulann, BzK and I sat around Throbbleserv yesterday and played the "versus" game for about 3 hours.

The game is very simple, you name 2 people that will fight each other and then discuss the reasons why one or the other would win. It can be fictional or real people and the environment in which they fight is also a factor.

So with no furthur delays, I give you the results of last night's "versus" game!

Kermit the Frog vs. Bugs Bunny
- Bugs wins in a 1 on 1 battle
- Kermit wins if friends get involved (ie Miss Piggy)

Homer Simpson vs. Bug Bunny
- Homer wins if they battle in the Simpsons environment (remember what happened when Itchy and Sratchy broke out of the TV set in that Halloween episode?)
- Bugs wins if they battle in the Warner Bros. environment or in the real world

Boromir vs. Eowyn
- 3 for Eowyn and 1 Undecided (Eowyn wins by vote.)

Adam West's Batman vs. Michael Keaton's Batman
- No Contest: Adam West ("and I didn't need foam padding to enhance my physique *taps chest* pure West.")

Li Mu Buy vs. McCloud
or: Croutching Tiger, Hidden Dragon vs. Highlander
- No Contest: Li Mu Buy

Mr. Burns vs. Yosemite Sam
- Burns wins (after LONG deliberation).

Pilsbury Doughboy vs. the Hamburger Helper Hand
- the Hand of course, the Doughboy would be destroyed by his poke!

Capt. Kirk vs. Cmdr. Riker
Special Circumstance: They must seduce their way past a guard.
- No Contest: Even undead Kirk is sexier than Riker.

Stinkoman vs. Xiao-Xiao
- No Contest: Stinkoman

Boomer vs. Wedge Antillies
or: Battlestar Galactica vs. Star Wars
- Undecided pending technical review of spacecraft involved!

So that's it, until the next great versus game!


GodSpire General / Who in the hell are the Antideluvians!?!?
« on: September 06, 2004, 01:20:57 PM »
OK, so I have seen a couple Lizardfolk belonging to a clan called the Antideluvians running around GodSpire recently. They seem to be a clan of arcane casters, though i did see one ranger.

Anyway, they asked for their own clan area in GS, of course I had to tell them it may take some time since there are more pressing things that need to be finished first.

Right after that conversation GodSpire became overrun with lizards!!! I mean like six of them all came on and started dueling each other, discussing scary caster strategies and planning attacks on Doriath, the Mauraders AND DE, ultimatly planning on taking over their clan areas!

OH, and I noticed that none of them use True Seeing on their items.

Well, that's what my covert ops mission recovered, only one picture came out though:

Agent 420 signing off!

NwN General / Monster Manual III this month!
« on: September 04, 2004, 06:35:04 PM »
I decided to post this in NWN General since there is no D&D forum and I personally don't play D&D but I use the official D&D game books to build my modules and adventures.

Anyway, Monster Manual III is comming out this month and it features a bunch of new species of giant, troll, golem, Rakshasa (with white tiger heads or with canine heads/bodies), Ooze, undead and lizardfolk. There also appears to be a new monster type, the "swarm". Also, there are 3.5 updated Yugoloths!

The Monster Manuals have always been my favorite, but I also recommend the Manual of the Planes and the Forgotten Realms campaign setting (if your building FR mods). You can get 3.5 edition updates to these books (if you get 3rd edition versions) at .

Oh and here, I thought this was quite cool looking:


ThrobbleServ / Smith Hold
« on: September 03, 2004, 12:09:36 AM »
Hey everyone, just wanted to provide some details on Smith Hold (the semi-persistant mod that Throbbleserv hosts)

First, we call it semi-persistant because we don't have a dedicated server, it's actually run on Throbblefoots bad-ass computer when it isn't being used for something else.

When visiting Smith Hold keep this in mind:

1. Almost everything has a unique description, so always "examine" things. (right-click and choose the eye)

2. The NPCs are all in character and the DMs have RPG chars also, so feel free to be in character or out of character, but please respect those visitors wishing to be in character.

3. Most NPCs have very long dialog, take your time and chat with everyone. In fact there is so much text in the dialogs and the descriptions that you won't see it all unless you spend hours and hours or come back later! Also, we are constantly adding new dialog so some people you talked to before may have new things to say next time.

4. In addition to the gold maker (free gold!), the stores in Smith Hold sell many of the items from the toolset's "Standard" items list and even some from the Official Campaigns! (NWN, SoU, HotU) If you wish to see any items added to the stores just let us know.

5. The arena has a duel manager dispenser, use it!

6. Every area has map notes, use them!

7. Seriously, examine everything, it was a lot of work to type all that shit.

8. If you think we are harsh on GS to people who break the rules, you haven't seen anything yet. I have scripted some very nasty things for people who don't behave in Smith Hold.

9. If you want to do the quest, speak with the King, he can be found in Fumesmith Hall.

Hope to see you there, I will bring the server up for the day on 9/3/04 around 10 AM PST. 6 PM GMT.

Random Ranting / The grocery store SUCKS!
« on: August 31, 2004, 12:08:07 PM »
So Throbblefoot and I went grocery shopping this weekend and as I walked passed the bakery counter I heard a woman say this:

"... and give me one of those brownies too. Wait, what's that brown stuff on them."


Dammit, I am surprised some people figure out how to dress themselves every morning! This is exactly why I think you should have to get a license in order to reproduce.


NwN General / Demon released!!!
« on: August 25, 2004, 02:34:21 PM »
The sequel to the Shadowlords/Dreamcatcher series has been released!

I thought the Shadowlords/Dreamcatcher series was one of the best user-made campaigns yet and now the 3rd installment is done. It includes some content from CODI including 2 new tilesets, Sigil Exterior and a new interior tileset. YAY!!! (I'm a big Planescape fan in case you didn't figure that out.)

Read about it here:

Download Demon here: (Don't forget the HAK, Music and Movie files)

Also, CODI has announced that their content is finished and they are now working solely on the demonstration module "Foundations".


Feedback & Community / Problem with Private Messenger
« on: August 22, 2004, 05:37:39 PM »
Private Messenger is broke, fix it!


-{Divine Exaltation}- / for Lord Elessar regarding the new script
« on: July 31, 2004, 09:19:43 PM »
Hey Elessar, I tried to Private Message the new script to you but Im still getting the error "can't send..." whatever.

I didn't want to post it since it's "sensitive material" so can I get an email address from you?


NwN Building / Resources for NWN Builders
« on: July 27, 2004, 04:07:09 PM »
Since this came up in another forum, I thought I would start a thread about it here.

Here are some useful tools for NWN builders, I will post the name, a short description and a link to a place it can be downloaded. (usually NWVault or the official homepage)

Feel free to add your own useful NWN builder links!

NWN Lexicon
"The NWN Lexicon is a complete scripting reference for BioWare's Neverwinter Nights role playing game."

Lilac Soul's NWN Script Generator
"This is a tool for creating scripts for use in NWN. It covers many of the basic functions that are used frequently in modules, as well as some, perhaps, less frequent ones."

Bioware's Official NWN Builders Site
This may seem like an obvious one but Bioware's site has a great page just for builders with tutorials and guides.

GodSpire General / All Gs Sentinels Please Read.
« on: July 05, 2004, 07:07:50 PM »
1. It is never acceptable for a sentinel to exploit a known bug in a duel. If your opponent is exploiting a bug, you have the power to freeze them and explain the rules. That is why you are a Sentinel.

2. Do not argue with DMs when they try to enforce the above rule.

Thank you for your time,

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