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Messages - Shildows_Nwn

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Doriath / Adisku....
« on: September 24, 2004, 05:02:17 PM »
Relevent question:If u dont know Adisku why are u posting here?
Stupid Answer: Cuz Doriath Rules, teh are the best clan ever, but i cant be on them, to i guess im just a wannabe :P

GodSpire General / Official Randomer Thread
« on: September 24, 2004, 05:00:39 PM »
Keep in mind that the "Exalted Sorceres" is one of Bioware's downloadable epic character builds. So this may not be the same person every time you see them, that's why it's a good idea to check the account name.

I may post a list of the official epic character builds so everyone can see what the names are, since a lot of new players seem to be bringing them onto GS.

Oh, and if you get stomped by a Bioware built character, hang your head in shame!!!! hee hee

Theres gonna be about 10 people doing that, she killed everyone, and nobody could dispell her, SO here i go hanging my head cuz i was smart enough to be on my belog char then. :unsure:

GodSpire General / I have Exact Copies That i made of Belog's Armour
« on: September 24, 2004, 04:56:48 PM »
Your gonna see alot more belog, thats all i have to say
I know im gonna get in touble for this

I think it's a great idea, if the clothing is built for dueling you can pass it out to all the players and have a huge room full of dueling Belogs!!!

I can just see Talon logging into GS and losing his mind:

"Belogs fighting Belogs?!?!?! Belogs talking to Belogs!!!!! BELOGS LEVELING UP OTHER BELOGS!!! AAA HA HA HA HA!!!!" *goes insane*

Sorry for the double post, but if the armour would be ment for dueling,\ the colors would be a little off, and the armour would only have to be 6. and i dont know how to make level 40 armour too well. ( Shildows=N00bie )
but here is the armour numbers
Right Forearm:19
Left Forearm:19

(Everything else is 0)
The colors are
Leather 1 normal white
Leather 2 normal white
Cloth 1 normal white
Cloth 2 Pure white
Metal 1 Pure White
Metal 2 Pure white
 so yeah there they are thats how i made it

GodSpire General / I have Exact Copies That i made of Belog's Armour
« on: September 24, 2004, 04:41:26 PM »
Your gonna see alot more belog, thats all i have to say
I know im gonna get in touble for this

Question: Why do you constantly ask for trouble?
Dunno, wow, so this is a good thing? cuz i got banned for being belog JUST being belog.  ;)

GodSpire General / I have Exact Copies That i made of Belog's Armour
« on: September 24, 2004, 01:37:28 AM »
Your gonna see alot more belog, thats all i have to say
I know im gonna get in touble for this

Doriath / Adisku....
« on: September 24, 2004, 01:33:23 AM »
Stupid Question: Whos Adisku

GodSpire General / Official Randomer Thread
« on: September 24, 2004, 01:30:22 AM »
Yo, I was on the server, being an idiot and dueling ( as usual) and this sorc comes on called Exalted Sorcerer or sumthing, sorry for the lack of info, but, you know my short term memory, and im an idiot. i didnt catch her login name, but she was a level 40 mage, hostiling and randoming everone, the amazing thing was that nobody could stop her. just to let you guys know, even though you hate me for previous actions :unsure:

GodSpire General / Official Randomer Thread
« on: September 22, 2004, 10:48:00 PM »
just a heads up, there's no DM/Sents on around 3am EST (and a lil earlier too)....and that's when most of the randoming happens <_<
Today ive onlky seen one sent on for about an hour, scince then i havent, untill i got kicked for running around as a badger :ph34r:

GodSpire General / Who in the hell are the Antideluvians!?!?
« on: September 19, 2004, 08:42:30 PM »
whatever he chooses to do <_<

as long as he keeps it out of our way..
i wanna see it,  ill totally munch on popcorn and drink Molson Canadain to that! :P

Doriath / Volunteer here for High Elf
« on: September 18, 2004, 05:28:18 AM »
wow im alot like jek, just dont give a fuck, just stay in the "normal" limits,  B)

Doriath / what is up with the Knights of Zexen(or whatever)
« on: September 18, 2004, 05:26:12 AM »
Just now reading hte 'ban system is messed up' thread. Shildows, most likely ur not gonna be let in
yeah these guys hate me, meh, ill find a server, i find all of em whiney , demeding respect like its the next step on the sidewalk, but i only got 633 more mins on the ban last time i checks <_<

GodSpire General / Who in the hell are the Antideluvians!?!?
« on: September 18, 2004, 05:20:12 AM »
Where is he suposed to? and am i the one in the arguement, im confused :blink:

GodSpire General / ban system is messed
« on: September 18, 2004, 05:17:51 AM »
The ban isnt supposed to stop you rejoining.
Its supposed to send you to the farm for our amusement.
There is a bug, as you should remain in cutscene (i.e cant hostile people, etc) that occured since last update - im going to fix that now.

You do realise that a 17th ban would mean you are banned for 7.5 years, right?

Anyway - for those interested, this guy is full of shit. Hes on his 4th ban (after i have removed the stacking (DONT DO THAT AGAIN XEN).

He is banned until tomorrow sometime.
w/e it felt like that, tristam banned and stonened me a couple fucking times, what do you want me to open the god damn console and give you guys every little fucking note the game gives me? what the hell is this, i try to state a simple problem that a noticed wasnt working for me and you guys come up and give me all this bitchy feedback like ur 2 year old god damn dog died! is every server forum like this? :angry:

GodSpire General / ban system is messed
« on: September 18, 2004, 05:14:08 AM »
sending tells to everyone to come kill you, spam party requests, spam'll be banned till rapture b4 you know it.
No, i sent two tells, to tristram and Cailia, to tell them the thing wasnt working.
and why the HELL! does it matter when i hostile ANYBODY when i was up on the pillar, its not like it couses fucking lag or sumthin. also I DIDNT tell anybody to come to the farm NOt ONE, and wtf is this bullshit about me spamming party requests? tristram giving you bullshit just cuz he cant but up with me? I mean wtf is all this fucking cow shit coming you of your guys? :huh:

GodSpire General / ban system is messed
« on: September 18, 2004, 05:06:56 AM »
but it wouldent go into the screen where you cant do anyhthing, like i could move about the pillar, anyways, i do that for my own amusment, i know im a idiot :)

GodSpire General / Official Randomer Thread
« on: September 16, 2004, 03:26:48 PM »
Quote:  Worse than you think he does it all the time, he confused me, so i intentionally borke the rules to get it out of him ( srry but i just said c'un'*) and he said all this bull that he could get me banned, i ask were are your lights, hes like
ill ban you
i said agian where the hell are you lights?
he said, allright ill stone you
i think 3 chances is too much, just cuz he mad a good inpression doesnt mean he should have chances.

Never said that.  I ment i could stone you.  With my mage.  DC 41 :).  But i never said i could ban you.  Get your story straight.   :angry:
i have a short term memory :P

GodSpire General / ban system is messed
« on: September 16, 2004, 03:13:07 PM »
I am banned yah know, i rejoined like an idiot, then when i was up in the pillar i could move, and now Tristam thinks im spamming, he bans me again, im able to rejoin, so just to let you guys know that the ban script isnt working oh and im at like my 17th ban now :lol:

NwN General / More prestige classes
« on: September 16, 2004, 02:34:50 PM »
Is there one for Sou players, if you see one can you send me a  link plzz :(

Random Ranting / ROFL
« on: September 16, 2004, 02:28:17 PM »
Dwarfs cant dance? talk about trolls man! there the worst dancers ever!

NwN General / Question about Drow Matrons
« on: September 16, 2004, 02:14:46 PM »
So we had a hard-core RPG-er on Smith Hold the other night. She gave some  interesting feedback, including raising an issue about the nature of Drow Matrons.

She claimed a Drow Matron could ever been a class other than cleric. Does anyone have a reference that would either support or refute this?


I dont understand....
ive never heard sumthing like this, its prolly a load of bullsh't :blink:

GodSpire General / Official Randomer Thread
« on: September 16, 2004, 02:10:24 PM »
Yup i get banned, almost right away beacuase i enjoy being a stone, talking to the angel, so yeah. i was just mad cuz i was wondering WHY  i got banned

Doriath / Volunteer here for High Elf
« on: September 16, 2004, 02:01:31 PM »
No way Hubba! are you friggin crazy! lol i hate them! muahahahah :P
Ill Bring Popcorn

GodSpire General / Who in the hell are the Antideluvians!?!?
« on: September 16, 2004, 01:56:52 PM »
What the hell? those lamers want a clan area? LMFAO i used to be in that clan, nuthin but b'tchy little nerds, level 40ies could pwn them
kill em all please
ill bring popcorn :P

Hehe - you never made it past "apprentice" in the ranks!
I ddint want to! :D  that clan just suxors!
ill bring popcorn

GodSpire General / Portals
« on: September 16, 2004, 01:20:57 AM »
Ive never gottan i problem just to let you guys know

GodSpire General / Official Randomer Thread
« on: September 16, 2004, 01:04:36 AM »
Hey how come im not up here? I random randomers, does this mean im allowed? lol but yeah i do random randomers even if there is a sent on. So, im sorta turning myself in lol :P

GodSpire General / I say .. a war with Doriath
« on: September 16, 2004, 12:31:25 AM »
i wish to declare that even if de remains neutral i will help doriath win this war! you will pay for your arsenistic actions! the forest will be avenged!
I AGREE! GO DORIATH and canada! i never really liked the mauradurs
for some odd reason :angry:

GodSpire General / Official Randomer Thread
« on: September 16, 2004, 12:15:12 AM »
Account: God_Spire
Name: Peacekeeper of Godspire

Other names: Godspire Bot, ViperDE2004

Viper has decided to tell lies about me when I'm not around! He tried to convince Mercy that I made him a Sentinel but without the sent-lights.

Well, the very first time I ever saw Viper I had to boot him for his behavior AND he came back to argue with me about it.

I will not tolerate people spreading lies about me or any other DM. Mo is in charge of the Sentinels and no other DM would go behind his back. Viper was simply trying to spread discord among the DMs/Sentinels as far as I am concerned.

This is for all clan members (but mostly DE because their new members have been the biggest problem): Just because you belong to a clan doesn't mean that the rules no longer apply to you. If anything, being in a GS Clan means you should follow the rules extra closely because your clan affiliation makes you a representative of GodSpire.

I have given Viper 3 chances to straighten up, (more than I give most people), I suggest that DMs/Sents keep a real close eye on him and get him as soon as he screws up again.


Worse than you think he does it all the time, he confused me, so i intentionally borke the rules to get it out of him ( srry but i just said c'un'*) and he said all this bull that he could get me banned, i ask were are your lights, hes like
ill ban you
i said agian where the hell are you lights?
he said, allright ill stone you
i think 3 chances is too much, just cuz he mad a good inpression doesnt mean he should have chances.

GodSpire General / Official Randomer Thread
« on: September 16, 2004, 12:04:33 AM »
9:07 eastern standard time(-5 hours gmt)
just finnished dealing with another idiot with the help from bzk and shildows.....
Name: Raveth
Account Name:Raveth_Godspire
Crime: Racism, Randoming, and (the worst and lowest of his crimes) he called my mommy a slut!*cries* my mommy's not a slut! He called BzK's mommy and shildows's mommy sluts too! *cries for them*
Suggested punnishment: A nice long stoning or a nice banning..... or allowing me personally torture him :rolleyes:

why thank you very much, im happy to seee that, thank you very very much for puttin my name up there  :)

GodSpire General / Who in the hell are the Antideluvians!?!?
« on: September 15, 2004, 11:54:01 PM »
What the hell? those lamers want a clan area? LMFAO i used to be in that clan, nuthin but b'tchy little nerds, level 40ies could pwn them
kill em all please
ill bring popcorn :P

Doriath / Volunteer here for High Elf
« on: September 15, 2004, 11:48:36 PM »
Wow, this forum is a dream come true, too bad ur clan doesnt like non hotu players, i really REALLY wanna be in your clan though, i like it at ur little area on GS too best pleace to duel :lol:

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