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Messages - Raelias

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NwN General / *crys* a lil help please
« on: November 05, 2004, 05:50:16 PM »
So you have no more problems Blood? K. Just clearing that up. I've had that problem before and I have come to believe... yes... it is Gamespy. Gamespy can be pretty screwy at some times. I think it's your connection vs Gamespy that wasn't working. Only certain connections do it time to time. I think my router was interfering with it once. K. And yes it's true... hopefully I'm back.

Random Ranting / Getting Wow?
« on: August 19, 2004, 10:17:49 PM »
Well of course... tis I. The gnome loving Raelias. I swear the gnomes of Azeroth will one day rule the continent.... I of course will be a gnomish mage. And don't worry you won't see me before I see if you see me seeing you on WoW.  ;) . If that makes sense. Also I am a hardcore W3 player including NWN. I just topped the all time best on Naga Siren recently with a whomping 29-3 score. Had a diffusal blade, cranium basher, stygian desolator, monkey king bar, hyperstone, and a lothar's edge all on my char. So you know Blood... that's like +150 damage with 50% increase speed 45% chance to crit 10 casts of purge 5 second net holding and 3 mirror images duealing 45% damage each and wind walk and to top it all off the mirror images and myself each had bash and -5 Armor when they hit. Talk about ooberness!

Well since I am a hardcore W3 players I have a lot of friends going to play it with me. I'm planning on making a gnomish every thing and maybe one or two ogres with my friends if we can coordinate the joining right. ;) see you guys on WoW whenever it comes out.

Random Ranting / Getting Wow?
« on: August 19, 2004, 10:17:18 PM »
Well of course... tis I. The gnome loving Raelias. I swear the gnomes of Azeroth will one day rule the continent.... I of course will be a gnomish mage. And don't worry you won't see me before I see if you see me seeing you on WoW.  ;) . If that makes sense. Also I am a hardcore W3 player including NWN. I just topped the all time best on Naga Siren recently with a whomping 29-3 score. Had a diffusal blade, cranium basher, stygian desolator, monkey king bar, hyperstone, and a lothar's edge all on my char. So you know Blood... that's like +150 damage with 50% increase speed 45% chance to crit 10 casts of purge 5 second net holding and 3 mirror images duealing 45% damage each and wind walk and to top it all off the mirror images and myself each had bash and -5 Armor when they hit. Talk about ooberness!

Well since I am a hardcore W3 players I have a lot of friends going to play it with me. I'm planning on making a gnomish every thing and maybe one or two ogres with my friends if we can coordinate the joining right. ;) see you guys on WoW whenever it comes out.

Random Ranting / What happened to Raelias?
« on: August 13, 2004, 05:09:20 PM »
Wow I say something like your special and people get all excited over it. You guys are so VERY special. ;). But if Random Ranting use to belong to anyone that was me and Cab. And I still haven't sold the rights yet. So get over it. Oh Blood I'll take some screenshots of my DotA games for ya. I tried Leoric for the first time last night. Omg I hit Beyond Godlike on level 10! 10! LoL I was ripping through people with Heart and Monkey Bar and Hyperstone like crazy. Was insane. I got like 42+ kills. Also I did that with Zeus too on sents. I'm like the shit at Zeus man. I got like my best record with Zeus on a 5v5 and it actually stayed that. I got like 51-7 with Zeus that game. The 7 came from the stupid Lifesucker dude on Scourge.... with his magic immune he was my bane cause Zeus is all caster. I'm off to play some DotA since GS is still down. Adios.

Random Ranting / What happened to Raelias?
« on: August 12, 2004, 06:28:24 PM »
*sigh* Very busy. School work has caught up to me and the usual. In the end LM has ended up leaving my daily schedule after the obssessive groundings. BzK alerted me to this post so I will post here once. I am sorry I haven't posted in awhile. I wish I had more time for you guys and now that I have posted just once I will try to work LM back into my daily scedule. Just for you guys. Don't you feel special? =). Well I'll see what I can do but right now I have a test tomarrow and homework galore... Adios.

P.S. - I also feel in some ways that LM has grown too large. It use to be the select fews unique corner to chat and play fun in. Now it is bigger and I just don't feel like I belong so much. Adios.

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