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Topics - MageRender

Pages: [1]
Random Ranting / Morrowind - Dead?
« on: September 02, 2004, 10:02:15 PM »
I thought a long time ago(and still) that the best RPG was Morrowind. Period. It took me about 2 and half months to compete (4 if you include its 2 expansions, which I am sure I forgot many sidequests). But something has occurred as of late and is forcing me to lose precious sleep... the creators, Bethesda Studios, have announced more or less, that a sequel/expansion is coming out soon for this game. If you check out their website, you will find a splash counter... a counter to what you ask? Some announcement is my guess -- the announcement of a Morrowind Sequel.

Perhaps some of you have played this epic, which is famous for its groundbreaking free style gameplay (monstrous sized world), its graphics, and above all: its immersive game play which will literally take you months to complete. So I ask you now -- get this game. Play this game. And experience Morrowind!

For the record it came out about 3, maybe 5 years ago. The graphics are still up to date and rumors have leaked out from the developement that the game runs on an engine similiar to Half Life 2 -- but built from scratch.

So do yourself a favor... PLAY IT before the "Elder Scrolls X" comes out!

Guild Wars General / Beta Event
« on: August 10, 2004, 05:39:32 PM »
The event quite a few of you have been waiting for is near -- it is the Guild Wars open beta event which is scheduled to last 3 days during Oct. 29-31! Also, you will be able to preorder it some time in September. For the full coverage go here

Guild Wars General / New Release Date?
« on: August 05, 2004, 07:42:39 PM »
Just found this new article/forum combo that says guild wars will possibly be delayed to winter 2004/1st half 2005 instead of the original time frame of fall 2004.

"NCsoft has released their latest Investor Relations Report. Here is a brief quote: "In case of 'Guild Wars'..., original commercial launch schedule was 4Q, 2004 but could be delayed to 1st half, 2005..." So far, no official word from ArenaNet.

Gaile Gray has responded about the possibility of Guild Wars being delayed. Here is a small quote from her: "Might the window that was published in this week's financial report be accurate? Well, I guess it could be. Might Guild Wars release in the 2nd Half of this year? Yes, it might release then, too. It's sort of a big question mark right now."

Its just speculation -- nothing official from Arenanet -- so keep that in mind.

Random Ranting / Graphic Request
« on: July 05, 2004, 09:54:01 PM »
Two New Topic buttons. Seems as though I must have hit the wrong one...

The banner I have for the Magus Syndicate guild I run in Guild Wars looks somewhat boring and amateurish I think -- if you ever get a chance, I would REALLY appreciate one that looks a bit more colorful and how shall I put it -- spiffy.

Here is the one I made a while back:

If you can have a book and staff in it more power to you -- those two items are important to the guild logo.

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