LucidMagic > Feedback & Community

What's happening ?


I don't know what's happpening when I click on Godspire forum on Nwn general they're asking me to log on ( test ?? ) , and this over and over when I want to go on Godspire forum . Please help :)


--- Quote ---I don't know what's happpening when I click on Godspire forum on Nwn general they're asking me to log on ( test ?? ) , and this over and over when I want to go on Godspire forum . Please help :)
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I don't have that, maybe other poeple can tell if they get the error you have. That may help to search what's wrong.



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--- Quote ---I don't know what's happpening when I click on Godspire forum on Nwn general they're asking me to log on ( test ?? ) , and this over and over when I want to go on Godspire forum . Please help :)
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I don't have that, maybe other poeple can tell if they get the error you have. That may help to search what's wrong.

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It's ok I can now get the Godspire forum . :) ty anyway . Please delete the thread I think it is now useless


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--- Quote ---I don't know what's happpening when I click on Godspire forum on Nwn general they're asking me to log on ( test ?? ) , and this over and over when I want to go on Godspire forum . Please help :)
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I don't have that, maybe other poeple can tell if they get the error you have. That may help to search what's wrong.

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It's ok I can now get the Godspire forum . :) ty anyway . Please delete the thread I think it is now useless
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This was at least usefull for a while, some threads on LM would make you wonder what poeple think (if they do think) :P


Sher Reyer:
I was testing somthing, that's why it said test


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