Anime > Full Metal Alchemist

The Ending

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Lance Ezekiel:
I finaly got the the rest i needed and GOD DAM that is one fucked up ending :blink: . Still grate but

Can't wait till the movie next year. Can you. I can't.

Lance Ezekiel:
OMGWTFBBQ theres a movie and i have to wate till next year (in 7 days). Hope it whont take long i need Closer. got a link to any and all info?

"Square Enix and Bandai are producing two Full Metal Alchemist games for the PS2. Full Metal Alchemist: Akaki Elixir no Akuma will be an action-RPG, while Full Metal Alchemist: Dream Carnival will be a 3D-tag-team fighting game. Full Metal Alchemist: Akaki Elixir no Akuma will be released in Japan this fall and in North America next year. No release date has been set for Dream Carnival as of yet. See First the FullMetal Alchemist episodes were licensed, now there's gonna be games. It's all a move to get it known to the american public, as it should be. Though i hope they don't cut out too many scenes, in the name of censorship. "

i got that off some site  :P

Sher Reyer:
can somebody send me epsode 45, that's the only one i didn't get to see.......


--- Quote ---I mean the last episode of the anime. The very ending. Now that I've seen the japanese version and now I can't watch the english version because the voices suck so badly.


ps: theres a reason why he can just clap without and array. And it's kind of f*%$ed up.
--- End quote ---

SERIOUSLY DUDE, I THOUGHT THE SAME THING! the voices suck in english


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