Neverwinter Nights > Script Request

undropable stuff

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--- Quote ---Mel, they don't understand these varibles and commands and where to put them, this is a script request section, basically bus says he wants a sit script them somebody posts the script for him, get it?
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Most basic things can be found by looking at the huge amount of downloadable mod's/scripts on nwnvault or a other site like nwntactics. I just want to help whit small problems where poeple otherwise won't get out for days and lose time. Somethimes I have a problem and just know it has a easy answer but I don't know what it is, I ask someone else then. On this forum this section is the best place to talk about nwn scripts.

If they don't understand it they may get that it's usefull to learn a bit scripting. I would like to see more poeple doing real scripting, not just copy/paste. I just love poeple that know what they do and can make things done.  (Isn't isolated to computer stuff that comment :))


u dont need a script u just tick of the box above itedifly iteams,,, the box says unbrable u just tick it......

undropible** damn cant spell right now..


--- Quote ---
--- Code: ---// Sets the droppable flag on an item
// - oItem: the item to change
// - bDroppable: TRUE or FALSE, whether the item should be droppable
void SetDroppableFlag(object oItem, int bDroppable)
--- End code ---

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that sets droppable flag for NPC's items. if your looking to set droppable for PC's use
--- Code: ---SetItemCursedFlag(object oItem, int nCursed)
--- End code ---


--- Quote ---
--- Quote ---
--- Code: ---// Sets the droppable flag on an item
// - oItem: the item to change
// - bDroppable: TRUE or FALSE, whether the item should be droppable
void SetDroppableFlag(object oItem, int bDroppable)
--- End code ---

--- End quote ---
that sets droppable flag for NPC's items. if your looking to set droppable for PC's use
--- Code: ---SetItemCursedFlag(object oItem, int nCursed)
--- End code ---
--- End quote ---
I should test those scripts on pc's and npc's. Didn't try that yet.

Maybe someone can say who exactly they are different. (like, only works for, or works on both) I'm busy whit a other kind of scripting atm.



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