Neverwinter Nights > Script Request

undropable stuff

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bus driver:
is it possiable to make a scrip to set all the items in someone inventory to undropable when the enter....if so can it also be made so the items are tradeable and are able to be put in something (box ect) just not droped on the ground.....

bus driver:
i think i found a more simple way of putting to have a script return a droped item on the ground to the persons inventory.....

could someone help me out here....or atleast point in some direction.....(when i say help i mean spoon feed me...please)


--- Code: ---// Sets the droppable flag on an item
// - oItem: the item to change
// - bDroppable: TRUE or FALSE, whether the item should be droppable
void SetDroppableFlag(object oItem, int bDroppable)
--- End code ---
Something like this maybe, just go over all their items in a while loop on enter.


Sher Reyer:
Mel, they don't understand these varibles and commands and where to put them, this is a script request section, basically bus says he wants a sit script them somebody posts the script for him, get it?

bus driver:
Manners nathan manners use them.....there is no reason to be rude..........*mutters*

i worked something out anyway so its all cool thanks mel for taking your time to reply......


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