Guild Wars > Guild Wars General

when do we have to pay?


guild wars sounds real good.
is it still in beta stage? what does beta stage mean?..
so in a few months it will go alpha and everyone will have to pay for it?
is it free to download... then later it will be pay pe rmonth? or is it not decided yet?

warcraft is pay for doanload/buy and pay per month.

can guildwars work it out so that they run the whole world on advertising reveue? that way players dont have to pay and they can stick advertising in the citadels in the realms. Like microsoft could have a big area in the mod.

and there could be a JP Morgan bank - where we can desposit our credit card money!

so? can do? cannot do?

You buy it and that's it. No more paying.

cool! thanks!

ill go look at the site again!

Blood Angel:
GW is out in the spring. Beta is after alpha, so it won't go back to alpha. You can play during the first weekend of every month before the release for free, if you preorder (buy the game actually :P), you'll be able to play every weekend that's first of the month and will get to play it when it comes out. This is what I know from what I've heard, maybe I'm wrong on something, but that's pretty much it tho.


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