LucidMagic > Feedback & Community

420 throbble :( please come back

<< < (2/2)

Elessar, calm down. As bus said it's not the end of the world.

Be it that 420 and Throb are at home relaxing, or on a cruise, or on vacation, they'll be back sometime.


Elessar Telrunya:

-Lord Elessar

Sher Reyer:
well, there pretty responceable people, i'm sure throb would tell me if she was going on a trip, i mean she's an admin here
but she didn't --- YOU AND YOUR LIES BUS =)

Don't say that stuff, or they might realize we stuffed 'em in the closet!

*Realizes where he is and tries to make it seem like a joke.*
Hahaha, haha... (damn).

~Celestial :P

or you could just go to ThrobbleServ and ask when 420s on if he and Throbble will be back...*has bad feeling it'll be a "no"*


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