Other > Random Ranting

This whole "sexism" thing...

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Suki YO:
Well i do belive that people are entitled to their own opinon and they should speak freely about if the they want. <_<
However that doesnt mean society's norms,folkways,and taboos will like that opinion and thats why people tend to make laws to censor certain subjects or comments.
If people dont mind you saying sexist or racists remarks by all means go ahead and rant, but since most the people here do not want to see such comments its better that such ranting be done somewhere else.

Elessar Telrunya:

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--- Quote ---Or maybe they hate you because you stereotype them, bomb their countries, and aide their sworn enemy.
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Whatever...I'm not gonna attempt to educate you on how the real world works cause you're clearly a lost cause.  Bomb their country? Guess they never bombed your country.
I'm not stereotyping anyone.  I know many arabs and muslims and Islam is a great faith.  I am obviously talking about extremists fundamentalist since it is these people who *hate* you...It is these people who murder when someone speak their mind (ie. Van Gogh)...they kill people who don't agree with them and then threaten the rest with terror...These people follow and believe in bastard version of Islam, not fit for the 21th century....You don't seem to understand this and think it's all your fault that you are hated...when it's simply because you dont believe in what they believe in.  Last year a Jewish high school in Montreal was firebombed...did these children do anything wrong?  Has Canada bombed any Islamic countries recently??? Hell no...I don't even think we have any bombs up here....Anyway that didn't stop some stupid teenaged extremist to throw molotov cocktails into the school's library...His reason? Retaliation of Israel's assassination of a the head of a terrorist organization....Like those kids and their school books really had anything to do with it....

Cab ..you have no idea what your talking about...and I hope that no one who actually reads your self-hating ignorant trash will actually start questioning themselves or their country. Open your eyes.

Ps. who is this "sworn enemy"??
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=/ i think us leaders are being a bit rash, but if your saying the the canadian leaders didnt do a thing about that bombing then they aren't very good. of course they are good if they did something like increase security welfare and other things to benefit the safety of the people

--- Quote ---ok, you think sexisism is right? you guys caused my favorite admin to leave this forum because of those stupid fucking topics you guys posted, and now your saying not the inforce it

end if diccusion, next person who posts somthing that's racist or sexist will be suspended for one day, and every time you do it again it'll double ---

kinda like the gs banning system
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WHAT?! 420 and throbble left? :angry2:   :(  :'(  noooo! i hate you stupid people i hate you i hate you i hate you!!!! :'( :'( :'(

-Lord Elessar

PS: :'(

This thread sucks.

Suki YO:

--- Quote ---This thread sucks.
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lol thats putting it lightly :)

*sigh* (this reply is not stated to you, but to you as a Species..it'll be poor generalization, but it applies to about 80% of the world)

ppl need to wise up, you all think ppl are gonna care what you have to say...and sometimes they do, and if you want to say things that is seen by SOCIETY as being wrong you'll be the one i see on the 5 o'clock news.  you ppl are too busy bickering like a bunch of little kids to realize how pathetic it is. it's high time the world takes a step back and re-evaluates itself. ppl want to kill me because i call God by a different name, and i know for a fact that if God is soo all knowing and soo kind then he would never want to see us kill each other.

-so plz, stop the dumbass remarks it only goes to show how ignorant you really are

(again, not stating this towards anyone here, just a lil something to remember next time you want to start bashing someone)


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