Other > Random Ranting

This whole "sexism" thing...

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If Throbble left for the reason you're stating that  is a pretty shitty reason...I read every questionable post and they hardly warrented an admin leaving...
Plus it's her job to make sure nothing sexist or hateful gets posted...she abandoned that job?  Pretty lame excuse.  imo

Sher Reyer:
"The plague that is sexism/racism etc.. will never go away if not confronted. Its like a battle with cancer, if you ignore it will worsen, but if you catch it early and treat it, it can be overcome.

right if you leave it there it will get worse
if we leave these posts on this board, then everyone will thnk they can do it, this board would be cuprupted if so many people did that
we can't stop it, no, but we can treat cancer, same thing with this site

Well the forum is not sick ...so chill out

There are no sexist or racist comments here.  It's in your imagination.

Sher Reyer:

--- Quote ---If Throbble left for the reason you're stating that  is a pretty shitty reason...I read every questionable post and they hardly warrented an admin leaving...
Plus it's her job to make sure nothing sexist or hateful gets posted...she abandoned that job?  Pretty lame excuse.  imo
--- End quote ---

no, i don't truly know it for a fact, that's just waht i think.. either that or she's on a trip ...
it's not a lame excuse ---

ok so basically what your saying doofer is let these people state there opinions? and your saying let us be racist, use slang terms such as nigg** and c*ink and call people stupid jews and make fun of christen people? is that how you want tihs board to be?

Well if you don't know why she hasn't been around lately then I would recommend not claiming to know the reason...otherwise you'll just spread the disease of misinformation all over the place.  Enough people already suffer from that.


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