Other > Random Ranting

420.. throblefoot...

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Elessar Telrunya:

--- Quote ---420 and throbble ar a couple -

they r probably off doing what young couples do when married - making a family!!!!!


see the don't disturb sign?? cool huh?
--- End quote ---

that is a low probability with all the other things they could be doing, though i admit i think it'd be kool to here about a 420 jr. in our midst :D lol  but i still dont think its that likely because they've been gone for several days now i think.

-Lord Elessar

Lance Ezekiel:
The US have thanksgiveing around this time of year. Maybe thay went to have it with famaly or something??

Elessar Telrunya:

--- Quote ---The US have thanksgiveing around this time of year. Maybe thay went to have it with famaly or something??
--- End quote ---

ooo ya good point, i cant believe us american players didnt think of that :lol:

-Lord Elessar

Elessar Telrunya:
*pinches himself to make sure this isnt a dream* dam it really is thursday afternoon and still no 420 and throbble around :(  not kool

-Lord Elessar

Nice girly Avatar Elessar....*Attempts to hide his dancing green dog*


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