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Happy birthday to you, Throbblefoot!

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--- Quote ---Yankadick
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you spelled his last name wrong :glare:
it's Yankovic

Yankadick  :blink: oookay *makes note to stay away from Anheg*


--- Quote ---
--- Quote ---Yankadick
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you spelled his last name wrong :glare:
it's Yankovic
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I dont really care how his name is spelled, notes Khad likes to post pointlessly and is massivly homophobic, and the whole point of this was i think that the birthday song was inappropriate.

you don't know a good song when you see one, OOOOOOH got dissed

Elessar Telrunya:

--- Quote ---you don't know a good song when you see one, OOOOOOH got dissed
--- End quote ---

umm... stitch, that wasnt dissin him. it was miles away from dissin him. :rolleyes:

-Lord Elessar


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