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Happy birthday to you, Throbblefoot!

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--- Quote ---She is 99, todayeth.


--- End quote ---

I think she added 70 years to fool us :lol:

Thanks, everyone!

So far, it's a great birthday, and I see no reason not to attribute that to all your early well-wishing! It brings a tear to my desiccated-with-age, cataract-fogged eye.


*runs like hell*
Im i little late,but the count matters.
Happy birthday from cold Croatia  :rolleyes:


--- Quote ---Thanks, everyone!

So far, it's a great birthday, and I see no reason not to attribute that to all your early well-wishing! It brings a tear to my desiccated-with-age, cataract-fogged eye.

--- End quote ---

w00t!!!  Throbble is back!!!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YA!!!

Happy birthday :) x


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