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Account name


Blood Angel:
Furia's name is Furia LM and DE, but he's in Doriath. He'd like to know how it can be changed. If an admin could fix that it would be very convinient.

What exactly do you want me to do? :P

Blood Angel:
Well I tried to check if there was an option to change the login name, but didn't find anything that might help Furia, so I was wondering if admins are capable of changing Furia's log? atm it's Furia LM and DE, but needs to be changed to Furia LM and Doriath.


--- Quote ---Well I tried to check if there was an option to change the login name, but didn't find anything that might help Furia, so I was wondering if admins are capable of changing Furia's log? atm it's Furia LM and DE, but needs to be changed to Furia LM and Doriath.
--- End quote ---

I would recommend his name just being Furia ...unless he feels the need to inconvenience the admins everytime he changes clans.

He made a new account so I guess i don't need to change it.


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