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Best computer game ever
imho the best game ever is Sacrifice!
it is super hard and challenging and even after playing for a long time it is hard
it is satisfying to play - you may die but it is still fun
the graphics for this game is still really spectacular 4 years or more on (when this game hit the markets, the graphics wer eligth years ahea dof competition)
it is fast paced and the monsters are really evil looking
the plot has so many threads u can replay the game about 10 times or more and still get different stories
lots of groovy spells! wow the spells are grand
multiplayer is awesome! in a mega spell battle the experienced pvpers are truly skilled.
i havent checked multiplayer recently but sac playing guilds are very passionateabout their game. it is super hard to become good in sac mplayer so thats why its not as popular as it could be. very steep learning curve.
so which game did you guys pick and why?
oh thweres lots of other great games in computer history but for me, Sac does it.
ps: Sac is a fps rts type of game. let me know if u need a more detailed description.
Best games ever: Baldur's gate series
the story line is second to none. game play is extremely engaging and fun while challenging at the same time. you have to use stratagy for each battle, create a balanced party and use your brains to survive. what more could you possibly want from a game?
cant wait for dragon age where bioware is combining the best elements from all their past games into what should be one hell of a game!
your description makes it sound like curse of the azure bonds/pool of radiance from early days (the turn based rpg)
i remember in those battles, you had a careful system for your party in battle or else everyone wud die... but bg is real time isn't it?...
one of the hardest battles i had in curse was my party of 6 versusus a room full of beholders (the big red ones )- there were about 30 beholders - so we scrammed - those were the only monsters i didnt kill in the whole mod... but its pretty exciting.. some of the 300hp plus beasts are hard top take down unless u have enough lightining etc
Blood Angel:
NWN, Splinter Cell and CS I guess.
I can't say there's much to CS, but it's been ongoing since forever. I love nwn and I really liked the original campaign and the online part hehe, I've been there for a while. Splinter cell, well that's just me, sneaky, deadly!
cs - i don't get it. maybe im just not good at fps but i can't be as quick as htose guys or as accurate... also all the keyboard moves - hm i should look them up. i was pretty awful in quake - tho it was a bit of fun. maybe that is why.
splinter cell -what is different between sc and say - rainbow 6 or CoD or Mohaa?... r they the same in feel and play?...
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