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Any One

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--- Quote ---and oh yeah I represent <\CA/> if any one remebers us.  :P
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hypster i'm not being an ass to you or i'm seriously not offending you by this post but CA = the gayest clan every, also the crappyest... over half of this board agrees with me probably... but yeah...

i hate CA
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Without a dobut ya hate CA since the begin in DS , how ya will like CA if ya always hated CA cuz of hypster?? heh  :lol:
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I don't remmeber a hypstar
all i gota say is that whoever joins CA must of been on drugs or somthing

|- Shion -|:

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--- Quote ---and oh yeah I represent <\CA/> if any one remebers us.  :P
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hypster i'm not being an ass to you or i'm seriously not offending you by this post but CA = the gayest clan every, also the crappyest... over half of this board agrees with me probably... but yeah...

i hate CA
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Without a dobut ya hate CA since the begin in DS , how ya will like CA if ya always hated CA cuz of hypster?? heh  :lol:
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I don't remmeber a hypstar
all i gota say is that whoever joins CA must of been on drugs or somthing
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Hahah nathan this time ya got that pretty far , then ya are calling my lord Blood Angel as a Drug? Blood angel is a CA and a High Elf in Doriath and i not think a good idea to ofend Blood angel cuz he is ya friend....that can result a war in DE vs CA for simple words , like SA almost got in war with Dcd only cuz of stupid words and being a moderator there not means than ya can say whatever ya want... ya may delete everything ya want but that not chance anything. Anyways nathan that is ya prob , ya never controled the words ya always say  :glare: , all i can say is that : Control what ya are gonna to say and forget the past , thats is better.  :D


--- Quote ---hypster i'm not being an ass to you or i'm seriously not offending you by this post but CA = the gayest clan every, also the crappyest... over half of this board agrees with me probably... but yeah...

i hate CA
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I used to be in Cold Alliance... It was the first clan I joined, recruited by Hypster himself.  That was before I realized their leader, Gladiator, was the most hated player on GS  :D .

Anyways, I missed ya Hypster  :)


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--- Quote ---Mel?

pls make a legit team pvp ctf server? make it rolling team pvp

Callians NWKingiths has gone down and that always got 18/18 max server stats on weekends and usually 5-6/18 during weekdays... Althought it was non-toolset, I think people will still play legit team pvp..

Now that nwknights is down, i guess we can help out.. I have the old nwtactics pure-nwn mod if you want it. I can email it to you. It can be used excpet that it has heaps of custom spells.
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I think aivs needs other things first, like journal entry's, books, a small fix to the duel manager, a fix for wirlwind, team pvp. Maybe then the ctf.
I'm taking my time for it, there's no haste afther all.

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Anything really Mell ^_^ I am glad you seem to be enjoying it!!

|- Shion -|:

--- Quote ---That was before I realized their leader, Gladiator, was the most hated player on GS  :D .

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Eck , If i still remeber gladiator , he was that player on Necriss server dueling me with hypster assiting him with his dexterous cleric  :blink: didnt know than he was that hated on GS


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