Guild Wars > Guild Wars General
animal companion
ranger is my fav class but i havent tried the charm animal skill yet. so just a few questions
how many different types of animal companions are there? are some more powerful then others? is it worth using up a skill slot for one?
Pretty much the bear is the best..It can tank things while you shoot at it with your bow/sling/shurikens. (If we're talking about NWN anyway)
Blood Angel:
well as for GW most rangers ran around with a 'Goa Bird'? well a bird it was dunno if that's the best one you can get.
lol zen this is not the NWN section
yeah i did notice that many ppl were using goa bird, and some were using a lynx, so just wondering if theres more options out there, and which one is good
I used a "Moa Bird" because they were the easiest to find. The "Lynx" can be found on the beaches south of Lion's Arch.
The only other animal I saw (and the one everyone was trying to get) was the "Snow Wolf". This wasn't available the first beta weekend but it could be found in the snowy, mountain area west of Ascalon during the second weekend.
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