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big member list

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I just read all the stuff at teh bottom of the main LM forum screen, and i saw that there are a huge number of memebers but i only know of a handfull that I have actualy seen post anything...does everyone have 5 names for what? (admiting that i have 2, but i cant delete the one i dont use)

a lot of people just veiw the board and don't post, there's only a few people with more than one name


--- Quote ---does everyone have 5 names for what? (admiting that i have 2, but i cant delete the one i dont use)
--- End quote ---
I think it's a combination of factors. Zen has three or four at least. I have a test account I made eons ago. Nathan, Cab, and Talon have all made multiple acoounts, though some of those have been deleted.

But as subzero said, there are people who read without posting, lurkers as they say. My brother lurked here for awhile, so I kow they're out there. And then there are people who made accounts and then disappeared (Like Lord Aiden).


lurking is a net profession. i don't think they should be called lurkers since that word has a negative connotation. i bet girls dont like lurkers.

i think mos tof them are 9-2 yos taking the opportunity to learn from the rest of us sinc ein 10 yrs time they will rule the web to an extent.


--- Quote ---lurking is a net profession. i don't think they should be called lurkers since that word has a negative connotation. i bet girls dont like lurkers.
--- End quote ---
Sorry, you're wrong on both counts:
 - Lurking has no negative connotation. Most of the smart folks lurk.
 - "Girls" lurk, too. What is up with these generalizations you keep making?



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