LucidMagic > Feedback & Community

arcade link is broken

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Elessar Telrunya:
fix it

-Lord Elessar

yeah i need my high scores back!

is there any plans to bring back any of old stuff? (shop, battle arena thingy, gallery etc..)

Whoa, easy there Elessar. No need to use the command form of the verb - and you might try a "please" while you;re at it.


I command thee!!! Puny Slavelings and Whatnots!!! Repair it within the hour or face unseemly consequences to your fragile and delicate bits!

Elessar Telrunya:

--- Quote ---Whoa, easy there Elessar. No need to use the command form of the verb - and you might try a "please" while you;re at it.

--- End quote ---

:lol: PLEASE! :lol:

-Lord Elessar


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