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Blood Angel:
I told my friends about this ages ago:

The game publishers won't give out their game before the other mmorpg's have gone out because what ppl c first will be overrun if lets say, GW comes out first, then WoW comes and attracts GW players. That is why they've dragged shit out so long and now that GW had their beta ppl don't know what to do, so WoW guys chose the stratagy of putting their cards on the table and now it's coming on the 23rd.

But right now I got a mail saying EQ2 is gonna be available on the 9th. I PREDICTED THIS OMG!

these guys have been pulling my chain for so long with betatest.... yeah test the game for half a year, we'll wait >.< now one game betatest and everything comes out gez

well get rdy for competition cuz right here, these are the big guys, heavyweight mmorpg's for sure.

btw I also have info about HL2, that game is finished. the magazine I read has gotten it for testing, now they just don't know if they wanna release it before or after christmas..... I mean damn, I'm the consumer let me choose!

Blizzard used to be known for releasing a complete product... until Diablo 2.

Before Diablo 2, Blizzard games needed only minor patching, and usually it was for upgrades, not game fixes.

However, Diablo 2 started a trend at Blizzard: Always release your game a month before Christmas whether it is done or not.

It was obvious to everyone that the Lord of Destruction "expansion" was just the rest of the game that wasn't finished at the time of release.

- Traditionally, there are 5 "acts" in a play, Blizzard didn't add the 5th act untill the expansion (but there was a space reserved for the "Act V" tab on the WP menu)

- Elite items were introduced (before this there were no "Hell Difficulty" level items, only Normal for Normal and Exceptional for Nightmare)

- The 3rd Prime Evil got away! (Sorry, but that's just not "foreshadowing an expansion" it is just an unfinished product)

Blizzard thought no one would notice until the user community flooded their forums with lists like the above one.

Unfortunatly, we still had to pay a second fee to get the rest of the game.


So your saying 420 that WoW may not be complete when it is first sold? I would actually agree with you on that. MMORPG's have a nasty habit of having more than 1 XP. Like as the biggest example... Everquest

Everquest has like what... 7 expansions? The game didn't end with the expansions almost until EQ2 was announced. Even though each XP has something different like races or classes... The XP's could of very well of all been together in a single game. Now I know of course it would of taken much longer for EQ to come out... but what is that? Like... roughly... 350$ or something for the complete works of EQ. Who knows. Whatever.

But WoW I think has some promising attributes to it and even if not finished will be a good game. Out the MMORPG's that are currently being hosted... I think all 3 have their special points. For each one...

WoW: Some reasons people will buy it. One.. A lot weighs on the main fact that it is a Blizzard product. Two... It has a full and exciting plot/story/history line behind it. The history of WC is also much more known and familiar to players because of their many WC games. For third... I hear that WoW is a more... let's say simplified playing experiance than EQ which a lot of people like. (Not saying me)

EQ2: EQ has a huge reputation as the already "best" or most "well-known" MMORPG out on the market now. They claim that EQ2 is going to be a huge branch off of it with tons of new features and way better graphics. This excites the already devoted EQ fans to another level. (Personally I think not many will go to EQ2 unless they previously played EQ. And I feel EQ2 is just a major expansion pack with updated everything)

GW: GW has a whole new feel to it. GW (and Lineage II) kind of have a more of an adventurous outlook on that type of game, I suppose. It has the greatness of items and crafting and all those nifty things that EQ2 and WoW have cept maybe less on the creating characters and items. But they make up for it with their fresh and new story plot and very fun cooperative "missions". But of course the main reason people will go GW is cause they don't have to pay! It is fresh! It's new! It's free! (In technical terms)

This whole fighting over whether or not to set their product out on the market, in my opinion, is slightly stupid. Each game is pretty distinctive and most likely will draw a certain crowd of people to it. If you think about it... If people know EQ2 and WoW are going to come out along with GW... then EQ people will most likely flock to EQ2 with a chance of going to EQ2. And the other way around. Knowing WoW is going to come out... even if EQ2 comes out.. most WC fans will wait until WoW is released hoping for a complete and fun product. The only MMORPG they have to worry about is GW. Since GW is new and not many know what to expect from it but hear good things about it... they may lean towards it. So I suppose the only people really pressured to release first is GW so they can hope to draw the EQ and WoW crowds away. But then WoW would want to release first and EQ2 also. So Wait... did I just misprove myself? I think I did... Hmm.

Blood Angel:
well yes they've waited for ages now on who's to release their game first, so GW is a threat and WoW announces a release on the 23rd (also the 2 months before christmas thing 420 mentioned, it is good to place it before christmas), now EQ2 just leaps in between and comes out on the 9th.... it's not a coincidence, bet it's been something that's been hard to decide from both parties, the release date that is.

Now I sat down and subscribed to the WoW beta and went to download it..... dunno how many tried that, but I just stopped cuz downloading 2,4 gigs for a short beta test before the 23rd, just not worth it :( should have done it like they did on GW

EQ2 have a lot better graphics and is surely the more grownup mmorpg since it's been promoted with so well with the ongoing EQ realm (PCGW: also says that WoW is cartoon graphics, childish perhaps, but it's in touch with the WC3 graphics and ppl really like it ??)..... ofcourse they have told that, yes there will be more xp's. The realm your going to play in in EQ2 isn't the same as in EQ and eventually they'll *prolly add it in (can't say for sure, the guy said probably I think).

GW is ofcourse the one aside that everyone can buy and play as they please because of the free online play :D, have to say that even tho I will be playing WoW, I will surely be a proud owner of this game cuz it's just so great.

well as usual there will be about 6-8 months of possible quietness in nwn as players go off and try new mmorpgs.

but none of gw, wow or eq has the customisability of nwn so i expect nwn to come out as an extremely unique and superior product anyway. actually, i think nwn is destined for the title of "game of the decade".

however, i think it must be true that gw and eq have a spectacular new feel to them. i am not so sure about wow because to me it is possibly merely a blown up rts.

that is why i would lioke nwn to have random quests and combo moves.


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